wr1200js-simple:使用P3TERX的GitHub Actions脚本,自动编译基于Lean源码的友华WR1200JS OpenWrt固件。修正插件安装错误,主题错误,安装打印支持 行动OpenWrt 使用GitHub Actions构建OpenWrt 用法 单击按钮以创建新的存储库。 使用源代码生成.config文件。 (您可以通过工作流文件中的环境变量来更改它。) 将.config文件推送...
It may take a long time to create a.configfile and build the OpenWrt firmware. Thus, before create repository to build your own firmware, you may check out if others have already built it which meet your needs by simplysearchActions-Openwrtin GitHub. ...