Professor Qihua Xiong group focuses on light-matter interactions in emergent functional materials probed by steady-state and transient optical spectroscopy. His group has two postdoc positions available immediately to work along the following directions:
课题组刚刚拿到一个MOE TIE2项目(二维层状材料异质结间电荷输运和传递动力学),现有两个博士后位置,...
华侨大学魏展画教授联合新加坡南洋理工大学熊启华教授和加拿大多伦多大学Edward H.Sargent教授在钙钛矿((CaTiO)_3)发光二极管的研究中取得重大突破。试回
Professor Qihua Xiong group focuses on light-matter interactions in emergent functional materials probed by steady-state and transient optical spectroscopy. His group has two postdoc positions available immediately to work along the following directions: