Nowadays,Nankai University is a comprehensiveuniversity with the majors of human,natural science,management science,technology,life science,medicine,arts,and so on. It has 11 colleges,30 departments,47academies and research centers,6 bases of basic science,83 master projects,35 doctor projects and 6 ...
established an international joint research center with Oxford University, Birmingham University, and SK Group in South Korea; and the World Economic Forum (Davos Forum), Global University Leaders Forum (GULF ), the International Public University Forum (IFPU), the International Union of Public Unive...
Nankai University is also the alma mater of our beloved late Premier Zhou Enlai. It has long been given much attention by the central government. Chinese top leaders from Chairman Mao Zedong,Premier Zhou Enlai to President Jiang Zemin all were at Nankai University for inspection. Chairman Mao...
Universityisthecenterforbotheducationandacademicresearch.Alarge numberofacademicachievementshavebeenmadeandacknowledgedhome andabroad. 南开大学有着广泛的国际影响,与国际知名的一百多所大学和国际学 术机构建立了合作与交流关系。南开大学从1954年起开始招收外国留学生, ...
Chinese topleaders from Chairman Mao Zedong,Premier Zhou Enlai to President Jiang Zemin all were atNankai University for inspection. Chairman Mao wrote the name for Nankai University. 南开大学是国家教育部直属重点综合性大学是敬爱的周恩来总理的母校。南开大学始终受到中央政府的亲切关怀,毛泽东主席、周恩来...
Chinese top leaders from Chairman Mao Zedong,Premier Zhou Enlai to President Jiang Zemin all were at Nankai University for inspection. Chairman Mao wrote the name for Nankai University. 南开大学是国家教育部直属重点综合性大学是敬爱的周恩来总理的母校。南开大学始终受到中央政府的亲切关怀,毛泽东主席、...