人民科学家南仁东事迹篇 1 踏平坎坷艰难追寻,扎进深山志存高远。 从壮年走到暮年,FAST 工程首席科学家兼总工程师南仁东,把一个朴素的 想法变成了国之重器,成就了中国在世界上独一无二的项目。建成了具有中国自 主知识产权、世界第一大单口径射电望远镜,为中国射电天文研究和国际合作等 方面做出了重要贡献。 他的...
南仁东简介和事迹英语作文 South Korean scientist Noh Jae-dong has made significant contributions to the field of astronomy and space exploration. Born in 1941 in Busan, South Korea, Noh Jae-dong's interest in the cosmos was ignited at a young age. He grew upduring a time when South Korea ...
南仁东简介和事迹英语作文 South Ren-Dong: A Pioneer in Renewable Energy and Environmental Conservation South Ren-Dong, a renowned scientist and visionary, has dedicated his life to the pursuit of sustainable energy solutions and environmental preservation. Hisgroundbreaking work and unwavering commitment ...