scFv具有完整的抗原结合活性,但由于其分子量小、结构简单、稳定性好等特点,因此在生物技术领域具有广泛的应用前景。 scFv的结构特点使其具有以下优势: 1. 分子量小:scFv的分子量仅为传统抗体的1/10左右,这使得其在生物体内更容易穿透细胞膜,进入细胞内发挥作用。此外,小分子量的scFv还有利于提高药物的溶解度和生物...
Screening and identification of a single chain antibody fragment抗黄曲霉毒素B1单链抗体的筛选和鉴定黄曲霉毒素B1重组抗体筛选鉴定目的】从Tomlinson(I)噬菌体抗体库中筛选人源化抗黄曲霉毒素B1单链抗体蛋白(scFv)并进行鉴定.【方法】分别采用甘氨酸洗脱,胰蛋白酶洗脱,游离AFB1竞争洗脱和AFB1竞争洗脱加胰蛋白酶处理...
5) single-chain antibody variable regoin fragment scFv单链抗体6) sFv 单链可变区抗体 1. Single-chain Fv(sFv) are recombinant antibody fragments consisting of only the variable light chain (V_L) and variable heavy chain (V_H) domains covalently connected to one another by a polypeptide ...
5.Preparation and Evaluation of Disulfide-Stabilized Single-Chain Antibody B3(ds-scFv) Targeted SEA;二硫键稳定单链抗体B3(ds-scFv)靶向超抗原SEA的制备及活性鉴定 6.Generation of HPAIV Single-Chain Variable Fragment Antibody by Phage Surface Display Technique;利用噬菌体展示技术制备高致病性禽流感病毒(HP...
Cloning and Expressing of An Anti-CD5 Single Chain Antibody抗CD5单链抗体基因克隆和表达Novel anti\\|CD5 single\\|chain fragment of variable domain (ScFv) was cloned and expressed.Anti\\|CD5 ScFv was constructed with cDNA fragments of heavy and light variable regions (V H and V L) which...
单链可变区抗体(Single Chain Antibody Variable Region Fragments sFv)由完整抗体的可变区轻链(L_H)及可变区重链(V_H)组成,中间由一多肽链相连。 更多例句>> 3) Single-chain Fragment Variable 抗体单链可变区4) scFv phage antibody 噬菌体单链可变区抗体5...
anti?single stranded DNAssDNAantibody;anti?denatured DNAdDNAantibody antibody;anti-denatured DNA(dDNA)antibody)又称“复性脱氧核糖核酸(dDNA)抗体”。是一种自身抗体。其针对的抗原决定簇为DNA的碱基对。系统性红斑狼疮及其他结缔组织病、药物诱发的红斑狼疮、慢性活动性肝炎等均可检出此抗体。 说明:补充资料仅用...
Cloning and Expression of Human Anti-colonic Cancer Single-chain Fv Fragment全人源化抗结肠癌单链抗体基因的克隆和表达大肠癌噬菌体呈现人源化单链抗体EBV经体外致敏聚合酶链反应基因克隆We report a new strategy for the generation of human anticolon cancer monoclonal antibodies based on the molecular ...
The genes encoding for the light and heavy chain variable regions (V(H) and V(L)) has been cloned by RT-PCR from a murine hybridoma that produced monoclonal antibody (mAb) Ycom1D3, which was against domain III of human vascular endothelial growth factor receptor II (KDRIII) and were ...
2) anti-CD3 reshaped single chain fragment antibody(ScFv) 抗CD3改型单链抗体 例句>> 3) anti-CD3 monoclonal antibody 抗CD3单克隆抗体 1. At present, anti-CD3 monoclonal antibody has been widely used in Graft rejection reaction after organ transplant in clinic treatment, which has significant ...