如果通过以上排查,确认端口持续收到大量TC报文,用户可以通过使用stp tc-protection命令,配置使能设备对TC报文的保护功能,实现对TC报文的抑制,以达到对设备进行保护的目的。通过stp tc-protection threshold命令指定Hello Time时间内处理TC类型STP报文的次数。
在Spine和Server Leaf、DCI Leaf上部署设备对TC类型BPDU报文的保护功能,这样可以避免频繁删除MAC地址表项和ARP表项,从而达到保护设备的目的 stp tc-protection 4 Server、FW、LB、路由器等设备不支持STP,不需要参与STP计算,在端口物理状态变化后,因对端设备不支持BPDU报文导致收敛性能较差 ...
BPDU-Protection :Disabled CISTRoot Type :Secondary root TCor TCN received :149 TCcount per hello :0 STPConverge Mode :Normal Timesince last TC :0 days 0h:26m:58s Numberof TC :18 LastTC occurred :GigabitEthernet0/0/9 ---[Port10(GigabitEthernet0/0/10)][DISCARDING]--- Port Protocol :...
NumberofTC:23LastTCoccurred:GigabitEthernet0/0/2 2、在三台交换机中分别配置vlan2、3,并使用mstp观察各个交换机的角色和端口状态 代码语言:javascript 复制 [sw1]display stp brief #默认情况下mstp是实例0,并只有一个vlan1在实例0中MSTIDPort RoleSTPState Protection0GigabitEthernet0/0/1DESIFORWARDINGNONE0G...
4096 .4c1f-cce6-ead8 / 0 CIST RegRoot/IRPC :4096 .4c1f-cce6-ead8 / 0 CIST RootPortId :0.0 BPDU-Protection :Disabled TC or TCN received :75 TC count per hello :0 STP Converge Mode :Normal Time since last TC :0 days 0h:0m:12s Number of TC :13 Last TC occurred :Ethernet...
BPDU-Protection :Disabled CIST Root Type :Primary root TC or TCN received :8 TC count per hello :0 STP Converge Mode :Normal Time since last TC :0 days 0h:19m:33s Number of TC :6 ---[Port34(GigabitEthernet0/0/10)][FORWARDING]--- Port...
BPDU-Protection :Disabled TC or TCN received :75 TC count per hello :0 STP Converge Mode :Normal Time since last TC :0 days 0h:0m:12s Number of TC :13 Last TC occurred :Ethernet0/0/3 可以看到当前的根桥变为了S1. 查看端口的角色 ...
0 #根桥的root-id,就是sw1自己CIST RegRoot/IRPC :32768.4c1f-ccdb-6e3b / 0CIST RootPortId :0.0BPDU-Protection :DisabledTC or TCN received :26TC count per hello :0STP Converge Mode :Normal Time since last TC :0 days 16h:20m:53sNumber of TC :23Last TC occurred :GigabitEthernet0/0...
EP端口的特性: 1、EP端口连接终端设备后无需等待30S,直接进入forwarding状态 2、EP端口不产生TC置位的RST BPDU (DP、RP产生TC),EP端口上线,交 换机不认 为拓扑发生变更,所以不产生TC。 3、在P/A机制的时候,EP端口不会被同步阻塞 4、EP端口收到BPDU后,立即失去EP端口的属性,并参与生成树计算,根据收 到的 ...
Protection Type :None Port STP Mode :STP Port Protocol Type :Config=auto / Active=dot1s BPDU Encapsulation :Config=stp / Active=stp PortTimes :Hello 2s MaxAge 20s FwDly 15s RemHop 0 TC or TCN send :13 TC or TCN received :20