医学免疫学英文版课件:T cell mediated immune response 40页 卖家[上传人]:新** 文档编号:570827846 上传时间:2024-08-06 文档格式:PPT 文档大小:4.38MB 下载文档到电脑,查找使用更方便 20金贝 下载 还剩35页未读,继续阅读 下载提示 常见问题 1、金锄头文库是“C2C”交易模式,即卖家上传的文档直接由买家下载,...
Histology of Immune SystemLc and immune accessory cellsL. tissueL. organsMononuclear phagocytic systemMorphological Comp
18、brane, blood-brain barrier, blood-placental barrier, Normal flora barrier ) Biophysical defense(heat, acid) 2) humoral factors: complement, interferon(IFN) , lysozyme 3) phagocyte: macrophage , polymorphonuclear netriphiles( PMN) 浆细胞粒细胞单核细胞巨噬细胞T细胞B细胞免疫球蛋白补体细胞因子- ...
医学免疫学英文版课件:Chapter 1 and 2 Introduction to immnunology.ppt,Chapter 1-2 Introduction Overview of Immunology MEDICAL IMMUNOLOGY MEETINGS: Monday 5~6, East library, 201d Thursday 1~2, East library, 201d TEXTBOOKS: Sun Wensheng(孙汶生), Medical
医学免疫学英文版教学课件:Chapter 1 T cell mediated immune response.pptx,Chapter 14 T cell mediated immune response;Contents;SecⅠ Introduction;Broad sense of immune response: Unspecific immune response (innate immunity) barrier structure immunocytes:M
【医学免疫学】免疫学概论(英文版)Medical Immunology Introduction to Immunology What is Medical Immunology? Immunology is the study of the ways in 胸腺 which the body defends itself from infectious agents and other foreign substances in its environment. 淋巴结 脾脏 骨髓 Immune system Immunology - The...
编者:钱莉//郑月娟责编:徐亦文 ISBN:9787313284334 单价:98.0 出版年月:2023-07 出版社:上海交通大学出版社 币制:CNY 图书分类:科学技术 分类号: R392 语种:CHI 页数:349 装帧:平装 开本:16开展开▼评分:0.0 (本馆/总:0/0人荐购) 目录 Chapter 1 Overview of Immunology 1.1 Basic Functions of the ...
Chapter18 HypersensitivityDefinition: Hypersensitivity reactions are specific immune responses to innocuous antigens characterized by tissue damage or disturbance of organ function 收藏 分享 下载 举报 用客户端打开