北外英文校训 北京外国语大学的校训是“兼容并蓄,博学笃行”。 兼容并蓄,就是兼容并包,包含、蓄藏;博学笃行,是指博学而志向坚定,好学不厌,而且言行谨慎、踏实肯干、谦恭厚重、大气恢弘。 以上信息仅供参考,如需更多关于北外英文校训的信息,建议访问北外官网或咨询其校友。
回答:Fully inclusive and equitable, learned to be.
To make things grow and thrive 南开大学校训 允公允能日新月异 官译: Dedication to the public interests acquisition of all-round capability and aspiration for daily progress 赵译: We serve them and serve you The sun shines each day new 复旦大学校训 博学而笃志切问而近思 官译: Rich in Knowled...