北京中国大饭店 北京套房 超凡奢华享受 典雅富丽内饰 北京套房和中国套房是中国大饭店的总统级套房,也是酒店高层次和气派不凡的套房。套房设计高贵精致、奢华典雅,宾客更可尊享香格里拉特色个性化服务,包括24小时贴身管家服务等。 特色 ≈240平方米/2,583平方英尺。 可饱览北京市美丽的城市景色。 免费停车礼遇。 宽敞的...
北京香格里拉酒店会场地址: 北京 北京市海淀区紫竹院路29号场馆介绍 坐落于西三环的北京香格里拉饭店地理位置优越,可便捷地前往长城、颐和园、香山、天安门广场、雍和宫、胡同以及后海酒吧街等京城名胜古迹。位于繁华金融商业及高科技园区中关村的饭店同样与清华大学、北京大学和人民大学等著名高等学府相邻。饭店周围交通十分...
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Shangri-La Asia Limited Hong Kong SAR Opening Doors to Opportunities Shangri-La Asia Limited is a global corporation with diversified assets. Since our first hotel in Singapore in 1971, we have pioneered high-profile, landmark projects by working closely with our partners, owners and colleagues, ...
Skills-building courses On-the-job training Job rotation across functions or geographies Project assignments or task force opportunities Read More Be part of our Shangri-La family I’ve learned so much in my 17 years with Shangri-La Group, not just on a professional front but also on a perso...
Investment Properties Shangri-La Centre, Ulaanbaatar OUR BUSINESSES Investment Properties Diverse portfolio of commercial properties and serviced apartments As a Group, our businesses have grown beyond hotels to include a portfolio of high-quality real estate and lifestyle facilities. ...
2011年金宝华盛酒店地毯厂家完成了北京香格里拉酒店工程地毯项目。 金宝华盛地毯厂家为其提供的酒店地毯品种为其定制地毯产品中的手工地毯。其材质采用的是新西兰南岛罗姆尼羊产的优质羊毛,因此也被称为进口新西兰羊毛地毯。地毯的磅数为5.5磅手工羊毛地毯和6.5磅手工羊毛地毯。这2款羊毛地毯的绒高在1.05cm和1.2cm,对应的...