五、Elephant大象 Elephant is the largest animal on land today. It weights some ninety kilograms and is about one metre high when born. When it is 12 years oldit studs over three meters and does not grow any more. Elephant is usually grey in color h...
From tiny insects to massive elephants, each animal plays a unique role in the ecosystem. For example, bees are important pollinators, while lions help control the population of herbivores. 。 I have always been fascinated by animals, and I have had the opportunity to observe and interact ...
细尾獴(学名:Suricata suricatta),别名狐獴,海岛猫鼬,灰沼狸等,是獴科细尾獴属的唯一物种。它体长24.5厘米~29.0厘米,体重0.62千克~0.97千克。尾巴长19.0厘米~24.0厘米。细尾獴的脸部呈锥形,口吻短,头部宽阔。眼周、鼻部及耳部均为黑色,并具有深色眼斑。耳朵小且通常呈黑色新月形,眼睛大且周围...
查尔斯·汉密尔顿·史密斯(Charles Hamilton Smith)为驯鹿属命名为“Rangifer”,阿尔伯特·马格努斯(Albertus Magnus)在其《动物论》(De Animalibus)中使用了该名称。这个词可以追溯到萨米语单词"raingo"。卡尔·林奈选择"tarandus"这个词作为具体的物种科学名称,参考了乌利塞·阿尔德罗万迪(Ulisse Aldrovandi)的《...
My favorite animal is the panda, it not only cute, but also the national treasure of China! Now let me introduce its appearance and habits. A big black rim of the eye by giant panda eyes, as if wearing a big pair of sunglasses; its belly fat, like a big balloon; it also has a ...
教材原文汉语译文④Make a profile of an animal.给动物作简介。Step 1步骤1Work in groups. Search for information about different分组合作。 搜寻有关不同动物animals. Take a group vote to decide on the animal for your的信息。 小组投票确定你们简介的动物。profile.. Which animals are amazing?哪种...