1 搜索“ATIP”进入系统,选择“Submit a request for information with Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC)”。 注意:如果只是想要查看自己的申请状态,无需进行调档,可以点击“Application Status”进行查询。 2 点击“Application/Personal Information” 3 调档人必须是加拿大公民,加拿大永久居民或目前在...
如果申请人是未成年人,父亲或者母亲签字,则需要提供未成年人的出生证等文件证明和父母之间的关系。 所有的项目该选的地方,“是”“同意”项,应该是打勾而不是×,因为在文件的结尾已经说明必须是勾选, By ticking the below “Agree”of this consent form you provide your consent to VFS Global to 通过在本...
然后在寄护照之前,你还有一张表格需要填:TT Services Consent Form两份。这个form需要在第2页填写你的姓名邮箱电话住址,并签字;第3页如果你不需要代交代取则空白;第4页需要在 applicants wishing to 那部分签字。 然后你还需要出门购买 Money Order 或 cashier’s check(注意 personal check 不行)用来支付 Packag...
The purpose of Privacy Act (PA) is to extend the present laws of Canada that protect the privacy of individuals with respect to personal information about themselves held by a government institution and that provide individuals with a right of access to that information. The Privacy Act (PA),...
⑦:BACKGROUND INFORMATION 连续9个NO.不解释 ⑧:SIGNATURE Do you consent to be contacted by CIC, or an organization at CIC's request, in the future. 这里填YES。 然后下面Signature of Applicant or Parent/Legal Guadian's for a person under 18 years of age. 这里不能用Acrobat填,打印出来然后签...
从4月6日开始,加拿大签证申请中心要求前去录指纹或者快递贴签的申请人,提供一份特殊的PIPL同意函,这份同意函是为了符合国家的个人信息保护法而新增加的文件。 Thecollection of your personal information 您的个人信息收集:VFS will strictly adhere to the Personal Information Protection Law of thePeople's Republi...
所有的项目该选的地方,“是”“同意”项,应该是打勾而不是×,因为在文件的结尾已经说明必须是勾选, By ticking the below “Agree” of this consent form you provide your consent to VFS Global to 通过在本同意书下方的“同意”一词中打勾。
4.下载 VAC consent 表格打印签字 5.去邮局买一个贴好邮票的信封(pre-paid envelope)写上自己的地址 递交以上材料有两种方式,亲自去,和邮寄。 亲自去:这个流程最简单,把以上材料带上,去VAC办公室递交,顺便当场付款$31.40手续费。 邮寄:你需要寄两份包裹。
Alternatively, if indicated below, I give my consent to CVAC indirectly collecting my documents and personal information from the person specified below. 1 My personal information may include my application form, supporting or other documents as required by the Embassy of Canada or the Consulate ...
Consent Form 下载网址: https://www./Canada/USA/pdf/Consent-Form-TTS-English-L.pdf 或是签证中心也会提供这份表格 2.选择用邮寄的方式将护照邮寄到加拿大签证中心,如果选择邮寄的方式的话 邮寄地址:Canada Visa Application Centre 8530 Wilshire Street, Suite 450 ...