第2段 Dr Stella Pachidi from Cambridge Judge Business School believes that some of the most fundamental changes are happening as a result of the ‘algorithmication’ of jobs that are dependent on data rather than on production – the so-called knowledge economy. Algorithms are capable of learnin...
剑桥雅思16Test1Passage3阅读原文翻译 The future of work 未来工作展望 剑桥雅思16Test1Passage3阅读答案解析 The future of work 技术对未来工作的影响 雅思阅读常考词汇 alterv. 改变 例句:He hadalteredso much I scarcely recognized him. 他变得我几乎认不出来了。 resentfuladj. 气愤的,厌恶的,不满的 例句:...
其中governments对应authorities,pre-empt对应take measurs,full employment、fair incomes对应adequately paid work,由此确定C为正确答案。 剑桥雅思16Test1Passage1阅读答案解析 Why we need to protect polar bears 我们为什么要保护北极熊 剑桥雅思16Test1Passage2阅读答案解析 The Step Pyramid of Djoser 乔塞尔阶梯金字塔...
IELTS Academic Reading Cambridge 16- Test 1- Passage 3- The future of work. Vocabulary you must learn 1 consultancy company that helps business 2 global worldwide 3 workforce (all the workers in a company or country) 4 adapt change a little and get better 5 evolve change (and get better)...
test1 passage3 tackled=handled But social policies can tackle(handled) this through retraining and redeployment.’ data=information the ‘algorithmication’ of jobs that are dependent on data(information) rather than on production depened on=reliance on依赖于 ...
剑桥雅思16 Test1 Passage3阅读原文翻译 第1段 According to a leading business consultancy, 3-14% of the global workforce will need to switch to a different occupation within the next 10-15 years, and all workers will need to adapt as their occupations evolve alongside increasingly capable machines...
@唯寻国际教育剑桥雅思16test1阅读答案与解释 唯寻国际教育 剑桥雅思16 Test 1的阅读答案与解释如下: Passage 1(保护北极熊的必要性)答案依次为:1. FALSE 2. FALSE 3. NOT GIVEN 4. TRUE 5. TRUE 6. FALSE 7. TRUE 8. violent 9. tool 10. meat 11. photographer 12. game 13. frustration。答案解析...
test1 passage3 tackled=handled But social policies can tackle(handled) this through retraining and redeployment.’ data=information the ‘algorithmication’ of jobs that are dependent on data(information) rather than on production depened on=reliance on依赖于 ...
阅读Test1Passage1 北极熊又胖又健康或得益于APoB基因🧬 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4089990/#__ff... 密码有误 2021-06-29 09:06:00 阅读Test1Passage2 https://www.douban.com/people/1811731/status/3495182241/?dt_dapp=1 查看更多读书笔记喜欢这本书的人也喜欢 打开App查看更多...
剑桥雅思 16test1 小作文 These days,it is quite common for people to research the history of the house or building theyinhabit.The trend may result from personal curiosity and safety concerns.People may conducttheir research by digging through public records. Many people are interested in learning...