我的未来英语作文篇一 My dream is to beome a doctor and I will help the patients who have few trained doctors and very little medicine. China is a developing country, which needs good doctors,especially in countryside. Many patients are suffering the ill pain and struggling in dying,and how ...
每个人都有未来,也包括我,我也有一个梦,我在将来会有很多的改变,例如,我的长相,我的工作,我的爱好,等等,都会有改变。 我认为我将会有棕色的长头发,我将会比现在胖一点,并且我会比现在高,这都不是我能决定的。但是我想成为一名主持人。 然而,我更想成为的是一名英语教师,因为我喜欢孩子,他们又聪明又可爱,而...
After school I went home in an unmanned helicopter. If the future is so beautiful, I hope to see the future every day. 我认为未来的生活是非常先进和高科技的。 机器人早上叫醒我然后我去了洗脸台我拿起一把自动牙刷,按了一下按钮牙刷开始自动刷牙三分钟后。 牙刷刷刷完了音响炉把我最喜欢的炸薯条和...
我的未来计划英语作文篇一 When I get into the middle school, it means I have grown up. So I will try to do better of everything in the near futureFirst of all, I should learn how to learn. It will help me study easily. I will study harder and harder to a high score. Then I w...