分水岭脑梗死(CWI)是指发生于脑内较大动脉供血区之间的脑组织缺血性坏死,是血管性认知功能障碍(痴呆)、失语、肢体功能障碍的重要原因。 更多例句>> 3) Cerebral watershed infarction 脑分水岭梗死 1. Results:Cerebral watershed infarctionwere strongly related to abrupt lowering of blood pressure,. ...
分水岭脑梗死部位与颈、脑大动脉病变的关系 2. Avaluation of the Artery of Cerebral Wartershed Infarction Combing Carotid Duplex Ultrasound and Transcranial Doppler and DSA 血管B超联合DSA对分水岭脑梗死的血管评价 3. The significance of transcranial doppler in evaluating watershed infarction 经颅多普勒对...