海关出口报关单英文版(1页) 一、Exporter Information(出口商信息) 1. Exporter's Name and Address: (出口商名称和地址) 2. Exporter's Identification Number: (出口商识别号) Enter the unique identification number assigned to the exporter the relevant authorities. 3. Contact Person and Telephone Number...
中华人民共和国海关出口货物报关单 Customs Export Declaration Form of the People's Republic of China 预录入编号:Pre-record No. 海关编号:Customs Code 仅供核对用For Verification Use Only 页码/页数:1/2Page Number/Page Count: 1/2 境内发货人Domestic Consignor 出境关别Port of Export 出口日期Date of ...
新版出口报关单-英文版 Customs Export Declaration Form of the People's Republic of ChinaNo. of Ppre-record:*** No. of Customs:***Executive Company Port of Export Date of Export Date of ApplicationABC COMPANY Yangshan Port 2248 Apr,10,2017Entrusting Company Description of the Transporation Tools...
1、JG02JG02Customs Export Declaration Form of the Peoples Republic of ChinaNo. of Ppre-record: XXXXXXXXXNo. of Customs: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXPort of ExportRecord No. for CheckingDate of ExportDate of ApplicationYANGSHAN PORT2248Apr.24.2015Apt.22.2015Executive CompanyMode of TransportationDescription of th...
海关出口报关单英文版.pdf 关闭预览 想预览更多内容,点击免费在线预览全文 免费在线预览全文 Customs Declaration for Export of the Peoples’ Republic of China Number of pre-recording : Customs serial number : Export port : Record number: Export date: Declaring date: Business unit: Mode of Transportati...
中华人民共和国海关出口货物报关单英文版 1. Introduction The export declaration form is an essential document for goods leaving a country and entering a new market. The People's Republic of China Customs is responsible for overseeing the export of goods and ensuring that all relevant paperwork is ...
海关出口报关单英文版 Customs Declaration for Export of the Peoples’ Republic of China Number of pre-recording : Customs serial number :Export port :Record number:Export date:Declaring date:Business unit:Mode of Transportation:Names of transportation means:Bill number of loading and transportation...
1、CustomsExportDeclarationFormofthePeoplesRepublicofChinaExecutiveCompanyABCCOMPANYPortofExportYangshanPort2248DateofExportApr,10,2017DateofApplicationApr,10,2017EntrustingCompanyABCCOMPANYModeofTransportationBYSEADescriptionoftheTransporationToolsTHALASSAPISTIS/6-017WB/LNO.DeclarationCompanyShanghaiX ...
中国出口报关单英文版 下载积分: 150 内容提示: Customs export declaration of the People’s Republic oPre-entry code: Export port:Business units:Consignor:Reference No.Customs Ves.Export date:Name of transport:Nature of revenue:B/L No. Mode of transport:Way of trade: Export license No. ...