出击 / chu ji / chu ji 1.to launch an attack; to sally out/forth 2.a sally; an outfall 生辰测算手机吉凶2025年运势一生财运 性别: 男女 生日: 立即测试》 立即测试 立即测试 立即测试 2025流年运势 八字合婚配对 十年爱情桃花 八字一生运程
出击的英文 英语翻译 launch an attack hit out Sally sortie outroad to sally 参考释义 出击[chūjī] -{军}launchanattack;startoffforattack;hitout;makeasally;sortie: hitoutinalldirections四面出击 短语 出击数{工}sortienumber 实用例句 游击队员们白天隐藏起来,夜晚进行出击,骚扰敌人。
aWe also make some casual wears and shirts, but not as many as suits, general qty will be around 20,000 pcs of casual and 10000pcs of shirts.[translate] a出击 Launching an attack[translate]
圣战组织是一个建立在武装斗争战略基础上的恐怖主义邪教组织,其意识形态反常,不属于任何流派,多年来四处出击,对伊朗平民和官员以及外国人实施恐怖主义行动。 The PMOI, as a terrorist cult and based on its strategy of armed struggle, has been adopting an eclectic and deviant ideology which has, over the...
出击例句>> 2) exit attack mine 出水攻击 1. The development of technology on antisubmarine mine,self-propelled mine and exit attack mine,will enormously bring on great changes and reform in military theories and tactics in the future sea wars. 反潜水雷、自航水雷、出水攻击水雷及技术的发展,...
出击 中文出击 英文hit out; sally; sortie
出击 [chū jī] [出击]基本解释 向敌人发起攻击 [出击]详细解释 谓向敌人发起攻击。《史记·李将军列传》:“及出击 胡 ,而 广 ( 李广 )行无部伍行陈,就善水草屯,舍止,人人自便。”《后汉书·韩棱传》:“ 宪 ( 窦宪 )惶恐,白太后求出击 北匈奴 以赎罪。” 明 高攀龙...
这个拳击手是用右手出击, 左手防护。 5. She drove the ball 150 meters. 她把球击出150 米。 6. shot a 75 in the first round 第一场击出75捍. 7. The boxer poked his opponent out of the ring. 拳击手将对手击出了拳击台。 8. A knocking or tapping sound. 敲击声敲击或叩击发出的...
出击的英文: sally sally forth sortie 参考例句: During the attack many of our pilots noted the brave efforts of American fliers to get planes off the ground 我们出击期间,许多飞行员见到美国飞行员冒死驾机升空。 sally | to sally 出击 sally out against the besiegers ...