冰湖 1. Lakes are spread all over the place in Tibet, and many ice lakes are located in alps or extra-high mountain areas. 西藏自治区湖泊星罗棋布,在高山极高山地区分布大量冰湖,受各种因素的影响,有时会产生冰湖溃决并形成灾害。 2. Due to the natural, historical and social factors, very...
堤坝溃决,河水泛滥。 8. There was no tolerance for anyone who broke ranks. 对溃逃者决不宽容。 9. When ice thaws, its molecular structure collapses. 当冰消融时,其分子结构崩溃。 10. a bottomless glacier lake. 一个深不可测的冰湖 11. A thin layer of ice is formed over the lake. ...
冰湖溃决洪水6) glacier debris flow 冰川泥石流 1. The study area is located in Tibet along the Sichuan Tibet highway where 30 glacier debris flow gullies are selected for study. 选择流域面积、沟床比降、岩性系数、构造系数、冰川坡度、平均坡度、可移方量、最大淤积、冰川面积与流域面积的比值等...
在设计中应用遥感技术解决冰川湖普查、重点冰川湖详查、全流域土壤侵蚀综合图绘制及龙马河与涅如藏布河分沙问题 ,提出了一套包括危险冰湖判别、溃决模式分析、溃决洪水定量计算的思路和方法 ,并在实地考察和溃湖洪水率定的基础上 ,计算了白湖溃决洪水和桑旺湖冰崩涌出洪水 ,其中白湖溃决洪水已被作为工程设防的依...
冰缘湖溃决洪水分析计算的初步认识 6. Mechanism of Debris-flow Dam Break and Characteristics of Induced Flood along South Section of Sichuan-Tibet Highway 川藏公路南线泥石流堵塞坝溃决机理与洪水特征研究 7. Hazard Assessment of Moraine-dammed Lake Outburst Floods in the Himalayas,China 我国喜马拉雅山...