8 13用歌声换晚餐:Jamie是一个孤儿,他饥寒交迫,想要用歌声换晚餐,一直失败,瘦小的他无法去帮出海的船只搬运东西,然而有一天,他看到两个小偷,险些被他们抓到。在餐厅中,Jamie为那两个小偷唱歌,然而服务员把他踢了出去,他抓到了一张鼓,这张鼓是Red bread的,Jamie立了大功~~我只知道这么...
went through the first wall, there is a large room. In the back of the house, is a similar in size, but more elaborate tomb. Finally they found that Egypt's most famous Pharaoh Tutankhamun's tomb -- there.
典范英语8-15.来麻烦了全解Here comes trouble Chapter 1 On Friday afternoon Class Seven had an Art lesson. It was their favourite lesson of the week. Everyone looked forward to it. Everyone except Trudy Hubble. Trudy had elbows that stuck out and knocked things over. Her hands were large ...
8 12乔伊求死的大力球鞋:乔伊是一个粗心的男孩,在足球队人员紧缺的情况下,他上场比赛,表现糟糕。