Walrus hid behind a snowdrift and watched, and chewed his whiskers。 He wished he was good at something. 2 The big night At last, the big night arrived. Everyone sat down and waited for the show to begin。 Walrus sat in the front row. He was very excited。 Fox came onto the ice an...
典范英语7-1海象参加表演翻译那里将要举行一场表演并且任何人都可以参我会滑冰北极狐说我很擅长 海象参加表演 1海象该表演什么? 在北极,每个居民都很兴奋。那里将要举行一场表演,并且任何人都可以参加。 “我会滑冰,”北极狐说,“我很擅长!' “我会翻跟头,”北极熊说,“没有一个人翻跟头有我那么好!” “我...
Walrus hid behind a snowdrift and watched, and chewed his whiskers. He wished he was good at something. 2The big night At last, the big night arrived. Everyone sat down and waited for the show to begin. Walrus sat in the front row. He was very excited. Fox came onto the ice and ...
第一篇翻译:海象参加表演1.海象会做什么呢? 每个身处北极的动物都很兴奋,因为这里即将举行一场人人都可以参加的演出。 “我要表演滑雪,”北极狐说,“我对此很在行。” “我要表演翻筋斗,”北极熊说,“没人翻筋斗能比我好。” “我唱歌吧,”海豹说,“每个人都说我嗓音很优美。 “那我就表演潜水吧”鲸鱼说...
新版典范英语7-1Walrus-Joins-In原文和翻译 下载积分:1000 内容提示: 第一篇原文: Walrus Joins In 1 What will Walrus do? Everyone at the North Pole was very excited. There was going to be a show and ANYONE could be in it. „I will do skating,‟ said Arctic Fox. „I‟m good ...
NYONEcouldbeinit.每个身处北极的动物都很兴奋。这里即将举行一场演出,任何人都可以参加。‘Iwilldo skating,’saidArcticFox.‘I’mgoodatthat!’“我要表演滑冰,”北极狐说。“我很擅 长这个!’‘I’lldotumbling,’saidPolarBear.‘Noonetumblesquitel ...
. WalruswassurethatifhereallytriedhecouldskatejustlikeFox. Hecouldn’.“Icanskate,”hecried.“Lookatme!” ButWalruscouldn’. HebumpedintoFox,! Foxwasveryupset.“Wal 新版典范英语7-1Walrus Joins In原文及翻译 来自淘豆网www.taodocs.com转载请标明出处. ...
该【新版典范英语7-1Walrus Joins In原文及翻译】是由【鼠标】上传分享,文档一共【10】页,该文档可以免费在线阅读,需要了解更多关于【新版典范英语7-1Walrus Joins In原文及翻译】的内容,可以使用淘豆网的站内搜索功能,选择自己适合的文档,以下文字是截取该文章内的部分文字,如需要获得完整电子版,请下载此文档到您...
第一篇原文: Walrus Joins In 1 What will Walrus do? Everyone at the North Pole was very excited. There was going to be a show and ANYONE could be in it. ‘I will do skating,’ said Arctic Fox. ‘I’m good at that!’‘I’ll do tumbling,’ said Polar Bear. ‘No one tumbles qu...