L7-05 Captain_Comet_and_the_Purple_Planet 382024-12 3 L7-06 Jungle_Shorts 552024-12 4 L7-07 The_Masked_Cleaning_Ladies_of_Om 482024-12 5 L7-08 The_Masked_Cleaning_Ladies_Save_the_Day 262024-12 6 L7-09 The_Masked_Cleaning_Ladies_Meet_the_Pirates 292024-12 7 L7-10 Jellyfish_Shoes ...
la.“你们最好去看看”,史黛拉船长说。CometandSpannersetoffinthespaceshuttl etolookforthenewplanet.Spannerwasveryexcited.科密特和斯潘纳坐着太空 穿梭机出发去寻找那个新星球。斯潘纳⾮常的兴奋。‘I’veneverfoundanewplanetbefore,’he said.‘Whatshallwecallit?’“我以前从来没有找到过⼀个新星球”,...
典范英语7-5-Captain Comet and The Purple Planet .1 Wheredidthestorytakeplace?Whatdoyouknowabouttheouterspace?.2 Reviewthewords spacestation satellite astronaut Doyoubelievethattherearesomeundiscoveredplanets?Ifso,whatcanwefindonthoseplanets?.5 SpaceMonster Readchapter3 CanyoufindoutthesillythingsSpanner...
the comet and spanner bus to see. spanner called a planet planetary wrench . on this planet. it looks very strange planet. it is purple, covered in huge peak. in the face of the earth, the comet flagepole wrench, think this is alive, he kept saying wrench! however, in the comet ...
典范英语7-5CaptainCometandThePurplePlanet 下载积分: 2000 内容提示: 文档仅供参考,如有不当之处,请联系本人改正。 Captain Comet And The Purple Planet (1-2) 2015.11.17 文档格式:PPT | 页数:25 | 浏览次数:163 | 上传日期:2020-03-11 17:17:31 | 文档星级: 文档...
Thechase: 1.Thehugeteethsnappedshutbehindthem. 2.Themonsterzoomedtowardsthem. 3.Thespacemonsterstoppedchasingthemandflewuptoan asteroidandtookabigbiteoutofit. Theend CaptainCometand Spanner TheSpacemonster Spanner’ssurprise Theysuccessfullyescapedfromthe chaseofthespacemonster. Itchompeditswayhappilythrough...
典范英语7-5中英文对照翻译Captain Comet AND THE Purple Planet.docx,且看且珍惜 PAGE1 / NUMPAGES5 5 第五篇Captain Comet AND THE Purple Planet《彗星船长和紫色星球》 1 Spanner is bored斯潘纳无聊了 It was a quiet morning at Stardust Space Station. 在星尘号空间
典范英语7-5-Captain-Comet-and-The-Purple-Planet 下载积分: 1000 内容提示: 文档格式:PPTX | 页数:14 | 浏览次数:121 | 上传日期:2018-10-27 16:50:45 | 文档星级: 阅读了该文档的用户还阅读了这些文档 2 p. 北师大版数学五年级上册第一二单元月考测试卷 20 p. 六年级语文上册第五单元口语交...