沪江词库精选兵种用英语怎么说及英文怎么写、英语单词怎么写、例句等信息 (military) branch of the armed forces 相似短语 military will 军人临终前的口头遗嘱 military capability phr. 军事实力 military formation phr. 军事编队,军队编队 military doctor 军医 military informatics 军事情报学 military ...
兵种[bing zhong,] 英语字典:兵(bing,)种(zhong,zhong,) “ 兵种 ”的英语翻译 词典解释 bing zhong 1.[Military] a branch (or division) of a country's military forces; an arm of the services “ 兵种 ”的其它翻译 词典解释 (1)[中文词典] ...
兵种的英文: (military) branch of the armed forces 参考例句: A combined operation 多兵种联合作战 The infantry, cavalry, artillery and engineers are the arms of the modern army. 步兵、骑兵、炮兵及工兵为现代兵种。 In the combat formation, we can recognize soldiers of different classes, types and...
建军节: 军队口令及兵种英文汇总! 每年的今天(八月一日) 是中国人民解放军建军纪念日 也叫“八一建军节” 这个伟大日子的全称你知道吗? Anniversary of the Founding of the Chinese People's Liberation Army 用英语可以简称为 Army Day! 今天我们庄严的学一下...
中世纪2兵种中英文对照完全版 English(英国) Peasants农民 TownMilitia城镇民兵 LevySpearmen征召矛兵 SpearMilitia长矛民兵 ArmoredSergeants重装军士 BillMilitia钩镰民兵 Billmen钩镰兵 HeavyBillmen重装钩镰兵 SherwoodArchers舍武德弓箭手 Arquebusiers火绳枪兵 ArcherMilitia弓箭民兵 PeasantArchers平民弓箭兵 Armored...
分别是 Rangers, infantry, machine guns, sniper, scout, tank soldier
在COC部落冲突游戏中,兵种的英文名称分别是:黄毛称为BARBARIAN,弓箭手为ARCHER,哥布林是GOBLIN,巨人为giant,炸弹兵为wall breaker,气球为balloon,法师是wizard,天使为healer,龙为dragon,皮卡丘称为pekka,幽灵为minion,野猪骑士为hog rider,女神为valkyrie,石头人为golem,女巫为witch,狗为lava ...
所有兵种英文、热键..兵营:Militia民兵(S),Man-at-Arms剑士(S),Long Swordsman长剑士(S),two-handed swordsman双手剑士(S),Champion勇者剑士(S),Sp