关于英语对话听力素材阅读关于英语对话听力素材篇一H: Monica, I heard you“re trying to buy a new house, is that true莫妮卡,你听说你打算要买房,是真的吗M: yes, but seeing the ever-rising prices, I“m afraid I"ll never be able to afford one.是真的.但是眼看房价越来越高,我担心买不起啊...
原版英语口语情景对话第0167集:关于读书的喜好 Mark非常喜欢读书,看看他看书有什么习惯,喜欢的书的类型和看书的地点吧。 Todd: Hey, Mark I saw that you're reading a book out there. Mark: Yeah, that's right. Todd: So, do you read a lot? Mark: Yeah, I read a lot. In fact I don't ha...
关于小学一年级英语情景对话素材全文共1页,当前为第1页。 【篇一】 Scene1场景1 Linda:Couldyoulendme10dollars,Joy?琳达:你能借给我10美元,欢乐吗? Joy:Sorry,I”mbrokenow.乔伊:对不起,我现在身无分文。 Scene2场景2 Linda:MikewasbrokebeforebecominganNBAplayer琳达:迈克是打破了之前成为一个NBA球员 Joy:Bu...
原版英语口语情景对话第0163集:关于梦想工作的计划Christian梦想成为一名外交家,综合各种因素他为自己做了详细的规划,一起来看看吧。Todd: OK, Christian, what is your dream job, if you could have any job in the world? Christian: My dream job is to become a diplomat representing my country, preferabl...
关于初中英语对话课素材篇1 give someone a buzz 给某人挂个电话 A:Will you give your friends a buzz and put out a feeler to see if they like to offer me a loan? A:给你的朋友打个电话,问问他们能不能给我贷点款好吗? B:Give them a buzz? What can I say to them? Say that you want...
原版英语口语情景对话第0170集:关于家乡和工作的对话 很高兴的和Nanju见面后进行了简单的日常对话,一起看看吧。 Todd: OK, Hello! Nanju: Hello! Todd: Hi, what's your name? Nanju: Yeah, my name is Nanju. Todd: Nanju. Nanju, how do you spell you name? Nanju: Yeah, my name is like...
路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索 - 百度文库原版英语口语情景对话第 0185 集:关于祖父和花园的回忆童年最早的记忆力里有祖父和他大大的花园,看看在那里发生了什么有趣的故事吧。 One of my earliest memories involves my granddad and his garden. He had a huge garden when I was growing up. It was, I...
原版英语口语情景对话第0144集:关于数码相机拍照 Trevor有一台数码相机,他很喜欢拍照,对象大部分都是人。 Todd: Trevor, do you have a camera? Trevor: Yeah, I have two cameras. I have a digital camera and a SLR camera. Todd: OK, which one do you prefer? Trevor: Recently I am using the ...
原版英语口语情景对话第0122集:关于月球的猜想 人们总幻想着去月球或火星等其它星球居住,期待倚靠我们的技术终有实现的一天,一起来讨论一下吧。 Todd: Ebony, we were looking at the internet and we saw that the U.S. is going to try to put people on the moon, again, in a few years. What do...