关于时尚的英文名言 1、品味时尚,就要跟着时代的步伐。 Taste fashion, we must follow the pace of the times. 2、风格是我们每个人已有的特质,我们需要做的就是找到它。 Style is something we all have, and all we need to do is find it. 3、时尚一个普遍的字眼,却给许多人带来不一样的色彩。
首先,我想引用一位时尚界的奇才、法国设计师 Coco Chanel 的名言:“时尚是一种风格,永不过时。”这句话非常有力地传 递了时尚的本质——独特和永恒。时尚潮流不断变幻,但真正 的时尚却能在变化中保持不败。时尚不仅仅是追随潮流,更重 要的是找到适合自己的风格和方式,展示个人的独特魅力。所以,我认为时尚是一...
1.时尚的英文语句 hi.. whats up? how u doin? (how are you doing) hehe。 haha.. yea.. right.. alright i know。 er。 let me think c u ( see you) halo (hello) how r u (how are you) have 2 go (have to go) just 4 u (just for you) m goin 2 do dat (im going to do...
1.Mother in her quiet way to express her love for us,everything is grows in the hearts of children.Remember to tell mom,you love her! 1.妈妈用她安静的方式表达她对我们的爱,点点滴滴在儿女的心中都是感天动地。记得告诉妈妈,你爱她! 2.A mother's love is a pastoral,deep clean; A mother...
1、品味时尚,就要跟着时代的步伐。 Taste fashion, we must follow the pace of the times. 2、风格是我们每个人已有的特质,我们需要做的就是找到它。 Style is something we all have, and all we need to do is find it. 3、时尚一个普遍的字眼,却给许多人带来不一样的色彩。
1、品味时尚,就要跟着时代的步伐。Taste fashion, we must follow the pace of the times.2、风格是我们每个人已有的特质,我们需要做的就是找到它。Style is something we all have, and all we need to do is find it.3、时尚一个普遍的字眼,却给许多人带来不一样的色彩。Fashion is a ...
关于时尚的英文名言 1、品味时尚,就要跟着时代的步伐。 Taste fashion, we must follow the pace of the times. 2、风格是我们每个人已有的特质,我们需要做的就是找到它。 Style is something we all have, and all we need to do is find it. 3、时尚一个普遍的字眼,却给许多人带来不一样的色彩。
1、品味时尚,就要跟着时代的步伐。 Taste fashion, we must follow the pace of the times. 2、风格是我们每个人已有的特质,我们需要做的就是找到它。 Style is something we all have, and all we need to do is find it. 3、时尚一个普遍的字眼,却给许多人带来不一样的色彩。
01品味时尚,就要跟着时代的步伐。Taste fashion, we must follow the pace of the times. 02风格是我们每个人已有的特质,我们需要做的就是找到它。Style is something we all have, and all we need to do is find it. 03时尚一个普遍的字眼,却给许多人带来不一样的色彩。Fashion is a common word, but...