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英语六级单项选择题练习..pdf,★Lesson1★ 46. She remains confident and ___ 提高英语的方法: untroubled by our present problems. 1、每天保证一定的阅读量。 A) indefinitely 2 、短期内迅速突破词汇量。 B) infinitely C) optimistically 六级不考语法,只考词汇
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英语六级翻译练习题.pdf,1. Everyone has his inherent ability , ___ (只是很容易被习惯所掩盖) 2. The importance of traffic safety , ___ (无论如何强调都不为过). 3. Tn my opinion ,___ (打电动玩具
A) nutrition B) expenditure C) routine D) provision 注:1. expenditure 花费 2. budget 预算(六级最爱) 50. 50. Now Now Now a a a paper paper paper in in in Science Science Science argues argues argues that that ...
大学英语六级词汇真题练习题(1)1. B 参考译文:对许多病人来说,福利机构的照顾是最合适并且是最有益的一种护理方式。A) pertinent 中肯的 B) appropriate 适当的 C) acute 敏锐的 D) persistent 执意的 2. A 参考译文:在由于妇女大量进入劳动大军而引起的所有变化中,妇女本身发生的变化并非不重要。A) ...
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大学英语六级口语考试真题练习1 A painter hangs his or her finished pictures on a wall,and everyone can see it.A composer writes a work,but no one can hear it until it is performed.Professional singers and players have great responsibilities,for the composer is utterly dependent on them.A ...
大学英语六级词汇真题练习题(二十)75.He developed a ___ attitude after years of frustration in his career.A) sneaking B) disgusted C) drastic D) cynical 76.They believed that this was not the ___ of their campaign for equality but merely the beginning.A) climax B) summit C) pitch D)...