定位段指出,在撒哈拉以南非洲地区和南亚地区,防止农民遭受粮食危机的最好方法是帮助他们投资建造小型水泵和使用简单的技术,这远远好于开发昂贵的、大规模的灌溉工程,故答案为A)。 英语六级长篇阅读真题解析 8 According to a paper to be published in Psychological Science this has an interesting psychological effe...
完备.格式.编辑 2024年6月高校英语六级考试细致阅读真题解析(卷二) Section C Directions There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four ch,蚂蚁文库
- 答案:[D] - 解析:19世纪摄影的捍卫者强调摄影与绘画一样是一种艺术。文中提到当时摄影师反驳摄影是无灵魂的机械复制的观点,强调摄影是一种独特的观看方式,是一种不亚于绘画的艺术,而不是强调摄影是让人快乐的手段、记录世界的艺术或者公正观察世界的设备。 从这篇阅读理解可以看出,六级阅读不仅考查对文章主旨...
2024下半年英语六级阅读真题长难句解析(6) 1. The notion that learning should have in it an element of inspired play would seem to the greater part of the academic establishment merely silly, but that is nonetheless the case. (2003. 阅读. 6. Text 2) 【译文】学习中应该包括具有启发性的娱乐...
今天给各位小伙伴准备的是:2023年6月英语六级真题及参考答案(1、2、3套全完整版)。英语六级笔试考题题型包含写作、听力理解、阅读理解、翻译,其中写作分数占比为15%,听力理解分数分布3… 英语主播皮卡丘 2024年12月英语四六级备考历年真题及最新模拟题 最新1990-2024年6月四六级真题和模拟题电子版pdf汇总在文末!...
2024下半年英语六级阅读真题长难句解析(3) 1. An examination of the history of humanity suggested that man in our epoch is so different from man in previous times that it seemed unrealistic to assume that men in every age have had in common something that can be called “human nature.” (...
下面是英语六级阅读真题长难句解析,供考生参考学习。 1. She recalls watching the ship, brightly lit, slipping into its dark grave - and into seeming nothingness, rarely mentioned for more than half a century. 【译文】她回忆起看着轮船被火光照亮,慢慢沉入漆黑的墓穴,最后永远消失。这场悲剧半个世纪以...
2021年12月英语六级阅读真题及答案 PassageOne Questions46to50arebasedonthefollowing passage. Schoolsarenotjustamicrocosm缩(影)ofsociety; theymediateittoo.Thebestseektoalleviatethe externalpressuresontheirpupilswhileequippingthem bettertounderstandandhandletheworldoutside-- ...
5.考霸解析:正确答案为[C]。根据题干关楗词the irony,debate定位到最后一段第一句:The irony is that for all the哦verexcited debate, the net effect of immigrati on is mi ni mal.具有讽刺意义的是,尽管争论非常激烈,外来移民的净影响 其实微乎其微。故C项正确。make a fuss的意思是”大惊小怪,小题...