北方“滚”元宵,南方“包”汤圆,皆取团圆之意,象征全家人团圆幸福、年年欢聚。吃元宵或汤圆的风俗,学界多数人认为始于宋代。生意人还将汤圆美其名曰“元宝”,寓意财富和吉祥。 7小时前回复 Dublin的Joybaby 吃汤圆是元夜照例吃的东西,连吃三五天,天天不同的馅儿 8小时前1回复 甄选达人测评:连吃三五天,有点腻...
另外的一项元宵节的传统习俗就是舞狮,还有舞龙。 The main difference between these two, other than the fact that one is a lion and another one has the face of a dragon, 这两者的区别不仅仅是一个舞的是狮,另一个舞的是龙, is that lion dances are usually done by two people, 而是舞狮只需要...
第一种说法是“元宵节”,直译过来就是“第一夜节”。 The second way of referring to the Lantern Festival in Chinese is "shang yuan jie," which means the first first night. 第二种说法是“上元节”,意思是“第一个晚上”。 Why is it called "Lantern Festival" in English then? 那么为什么在英...
And another really big custom during the Lantern Festival is "Wu Shi", lion dances, as well as "Wu Long", dragon dances. 另外的一项元宵节的传统习俗就是舞狮,还有舞龙。 The main difference between these two, other than the fact that one is a lion and another one has the face of a dra...