偏滤器1. Physics Design and Experimental Study of Tokamak Divertor; 偏滤器物理设计与实验研究2. Divertor biased voltage in the HL-2A tokamak may decrease the threshold power of L-H transition,increase the density,pressure and retention time of divertor plasma. 根据已有的理论模型,推算出了HL 2A...
沪江词库精选偏滤器英语怎么说及英文翻译、英语单词怎么写、例句等信息 divertor 相似单词 divertor偏滤器 翻译推荐 偏滤器divertor 滤色偏振片filter 偏振滤光镜polaroid 偏振干涉滤光器polarizati 干涉偏振滤光器interferen 偏光滤波器polagizing 滤strain 交变部分偏振滤光器alternate ...
偏滤器 1. Physics Design and Experimental Study of Tokamak Divertor; 偏滤器物理设计与实验研究 2. Divertor biased voltage in the HL-2A tokamak may decrease the threshold power of L-H transition,increase the density,pressure and retention time of divertor plasma. 根据已有的理论模型,推算出了HL ...
托卡马克偏滤器 例句>> 3) tokamak[英]['təukə,mæk] [美]['tokə,mæk] 环流器(托卡马克) 4) tokamak[英]['təukə,mæk] [美]['tokə,mæk] 托卡马克 1. The calculation of magnetic field and inductance coefficients of Tokamak vertical coil system; ...
EAST超导托卡马克偏滤器水冷结构设计 2. Infrared measurement of the heat flux at the outer divertor target plate on the HL-2A tokamak HL-2A装置偏滤器外靶板热负荷的红外测量 3. This paper has studied plasma transport in scrape-off layer( SOL), by using‘ two-point' mode and particles continuit...
FEBE偏滤器 4) strainer line 滤器品种 5) cloth stretcher panstrecker 滤布纠偏器 6) Single-null divertor 单零偏滤器 补充资料:白茶品质特征(quality characteristics of white tea) 白茶品质特征(quality characteristics of white tea) 在色、香、味、形方面显示白茶品质特点的性状。白茶白色芽毫多,汤浅黄,毫香...
偏滤器 1. Physics Design and Experimental Study of Tokamak Divertor; 偏滤器物理设计与实验研究 2. Divertor biased voltage in the HL-2A tokamak may decrease the threshold power of L-H transition,increase the density,pressure and retention time of divertor plasma. 根据已有的理论模型,推算出了HL ...
偏滤器 1. Physics Design and Experimental Study of Tokamak Divertor; 偏滤器物理设计与实验研究 2. Divertor biased voltage in the HL-2A tokamak may decrease the threshold power of L-H transition,increase the density,pressure and retention time of divertor plasma. 根据已有的理论模型,推算出了HL ...
偏滤器位形2) Double null divertor configuration 双零偏滤器位形1. Double null divertor configurations in the HL 2A tokamak are designed optimally. 优化设计了HL 2A装置双零偏滤器位形,使拉长比k95和三角形变δ95分别达到1 2和0 4,同时研究了它们的垂直不稳定性控制问题。