保密协议英文合同范本 保密协议(Confidentiality Agreement) 甲方(披露方): 名称:___ 地址:___ 联系人:___ 乙方(接收方): 名称:___ 地址:___ 联系人:___ 鉴于: 1. 甲方拥有或可能拥有某些保密信息,该等信息对甲方具有重要意义; 2. 乙方希望获得该等保密信息以便进行特定目的的评估或合作; 3. 甲方同意...
涉外公司英文保密协议范本(中英)5篇 篇1 英文保密协议 THIS CONFIDENTIALITY AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT IS MADE BY AND BETWEEN [Name of Company], a company incorporated under the laws of [Country/Jurisdiction of Incorporation], hereinafter referred to as "Disclosing Party", and [Name of Company], a ...
保密协议NONDISCLOSURE AGREEMENT项 目名称 P r o j e c t 合同编号 C o n t r a c t 签订地点 P l a c e o f 签订时间 D a t e o f:N o .
产品英文保密协议范本 下载积分: 1888 内容提示: Confidentiality Agreement This Confidentiality Agreement (the "Agreement") is made and entered into as of [Date], by and between [Company A], a [insert type of legal entity] incorporated in [insert jurisdiction] (the "Disclosing Party"), and [...
保密协议 共5 个 中英文保密协议范文 中英文保密协议范本 0 13 保密协议中英文版 0 6 保密协议中英文版新 0 6 商业保密协议中英文对照版 0 24 中英文涉外公司保密协议范本 0 2
保密协议中英文范本 Confidentiality Agreement /保密协议 1. Purpose /目的 This Confidentiality Agreement (the "Agreement") is entered into by and between the undersigned parties (the "Parties") to protect the confidential and proprietary information (the "Information") shared between them. The ...
第二条 保密义务 2.1 乙方同意对保密信息保密,不得向任何第三方披露,除非该第三方已与甲方签订了保密协议,且该协议的保密义务不低于本协议的规定。 2.2 乙方仅可将保密信息用于本协议约定的目的,不得用于其他任何目的。 第三条 保密信息的使用和披露限制 3.1 乙方应采取所有合理的预防措施,防止保密信息的泄露、滥用...
《保密协议范本(中英文版)》.docx,保密协议 confidentiality agreement 】有限公司(下称“甲方”)与【 】(下称“乙方”)拟就 】(下称“项目”)业务开展合作为保障甲乙双方商业秘密不受侵害,双方达成如 下保密协议,以资共同遵守: whereas 【】 co., ltd (here in af
保密协议 confidentiality agreement 】有限公司(下称“甲方”)与【 】(下称“乙方”)拟就 】(下称“项目”)业务开展合作为保障甲乙双方商业秘密不受侵害,双方达成如 下保密协议,以资共同遵守: whereas 【】 co., ltd (here in after referred to as “ party a ” ) is con sideri ng cooperati ng with...