侧柏林1. Pinus tabulaeformis and Platycladus orientalis forests are two important types of conifers in mountain areas of Beijing. Pinus tabulaeformis)和侧柏林(Form。更多例句>> 2) artificial platycladus orientalis forests 侧柏纯林 例句>>
兰州北山侧柏人工林地土壤水分研究 5. Stand Density of Planted Scenic Forest Pinus Tabulaeformis and Platycladus Orientalis in Beijing Mountain Area 北京山区油松侧柏人工风景林林分密度确定 6. Suitabe planting species in the erosion areas aremainly composed of Platycladus orientalis and accessory species are...
充分供水下刺槐和侧柏苗木光合特性及水分利用效率的研究 7. The geometrid Apocheima sp. is one of the worst pest of the locust tree in Mei County. 刺槐尺蠖是陕西省眉县地区刺槐林的主要害虫。 8. Study on Growth Decline Mechanism of Black Locust on Coastal Saline-alkali Soil ...
侧柏人工林 1. Short-term effects of tending on the undergrowth diversity of Platycladus orientalis plantations in Beijing mountainous areas; 抚育间伐对北京山区侧柏人工林林下植物多样性的短期影响 2. Based on 2×2 contingency table,this paper conducts some analyses of the inter-specific association be...