在中文中,“佛系”常用来描述一种心态,这种心态表现为随遇而安、不争不抢、看淡一切。这种态度在英文中可以用“philosophical youngsters”来表达。其中,“philosophical”一词不仅传达了冷静、处变不惊的含义,还蕴含了对生活的深刻理解和接纳。“佛系”青年更注重内心的平静与和谐,他们对待生活中的挑战...
人民网的英文版把“佛性青年”翻译为“Buddha-like youngsters”,用于具体说明的关键字是casual and calm mindset: By using the phrase "Buddha-like youngsters" (佛系青年), it claimed that some of the post-90s generations, who were born between 1990 and 1992,...
人民网的英文版把“佛性青年”翻译为“Buddha-like youngsters”,用于具体说明的关键字是casual and calm mindset: By using the phrase "Buddha-like youngsters" (佛系青年), it claimed that some of the post-90s generations, who were born between 1990 and 1992,have"seen through the vanity of life" ...
philosophical youngsters 佛系中文里,泛指畅通,谓心胸开朗,见解通达。对应到英文中,可以用philosophical来表达,它的意思是“冷静的,处变不惊的
Buddha-like youngsters “佛系青年”用英文表达为:Buddha-like youngsters。
追星族英文是idolater,idolatress特指女性追星族。 说到追星族,就不得不提脑残粉。女的“脑残粉”叫fangirl,男的“脑残粉”叫fanboy。 佛系青年 Buddha-like youngsters 出生于1990-1992年之间的人可以称为“佛系青年”("Buddha-like young...
佛系青年 英文作文 英文: As a "Buddhist youth", I often get asked what it means to be a "Buddhist youth". For me, it means living a life of simplicity, mindfulness, and compassion. It means not getting caught up in the rat race of modern society, but instead focusing on what truly ...
佛系青年作文英文 I'm a "Buddhist youth". I don't care about material things. I just want to live a simple and peaceful life. I don't like to get involved in conflicts or arguments. I prefer to stay calm and maintain inner peace. I don't have big ambitions or goals. I just go ...
佛系青年英文作文 I'm a chill dude. I don't let things bother me too much. Life's too short to stress about every little thing, you know? I just go with the flow and take things as they come. I'm all about finding inner peace and staying zen. I meditate, do yoga, and just ...