何凯文考研英语每日一句超话,阅读数:12.9亿、帖子数:4万、粉丝数:16.5万,考研英语要高分,紧跟何凯文。所谓生活,就是执着。每天签到打卡的方式是:转发话题(#何凯文考研英语每日一句#) 加评论(每日一句遇到的问题),签到不是形式,而是坚持,只为你的一个梦想。新浪微博
The burden for ensuring that sites are safe and appropriate for children therefore largely falls on parents.参考译文:因此,确保这些网站安全且适合儿童的负担主要落在了父母身上。第二句:“We don’t ask parents to inspect the brakes on cars that children will ride in, or the ingredients in medica...
Professional engineering associations are already moving toward adaptive designs such as seawalls built with broader bases so they can be made taller as oceans rise.参考译文:工程行业协会已经在转向适应性设计,例如建造底座更宽的海堤,以便可随着海平面上升加高海堤。第三句:She points to California and ...
第一句:To avoid the AIs giving themselves away when asked, the researchers used three different language models, sometimes switching between them within a single conversation, and gave the AIs random prompts to act as people with specific intentions and objectives.参考译文:为了避免人工智能在被提问...
the world vary wildly, from 40m to more than twice that many, with the majority thought to be in rich or upper-middle income countries where, even with the imposition of new duties, vaping is still cheaper than than smoking heavily taxed cigarettes.内容整理自何凯文考研英语,侵权联系删除 ...
banks were under little pressure to reward customers with anything but the stingiest yields. But there was a problem on the other side of the balance sheet: Low yields also made it harder for banks to earn money from lending or investing in securities.内容整理自何凯文考研英语,侵权联系删除 ...
文都教育:何凯文考研英语每日一句(五)1.今日句子 The view put forth by the government was that the publishing industry was a market like any other, that its practices were routinized, that its players followed rules, and that its dynamics could be predicted by the scientific methods of ...
第一句:By taking an all-or-nothing approach to tidiness, she explains, we set ourselves up to fail--and forget what the comforts of home are really about.参考译文:她解释说,用“要么不干要么全方位无死角”的方式来保持整洁,我们注定要失败——和忘记到底什么是家的舒适。 第二句:For people ...
through various technology revolutions since homo sapiens first walked upright,” she says. “We’ll adapt and evolve to this one, too. People will find new ways to do their jobs creatively, taking advantage of AI instead of being replaced by it.”内容整理自何凯文考研英语,侵权联系删除 ...