概述: 体感温度是指人体感觉到的环境温度高低,主要考虑风、湿度、日照、衣服颜色对百叶箱所测气温的修正,如果体感温度高于气温,表明上述各项因子共同对人体起到加温的作用,反之为降温的作用。 天气预报中的气温仅仅代表空气的冷暖程度,并不能完全表示出人体对环境的冷暖感受,但气温高低可以作为人体冷暖感受的一个参数,...
体感温度的英文翻译 Apparent temperaturesendible temperaturesensible temperature 体感温度汉英翻译 sendible temperature体感温度; 词组短语 体感温度模型apparent temperature model 双语例句 1. Support the real-time detailed information display, such as: sensible temperature, humidity, wind speed, ultraviolet strength...
体感温度1. Analysis on apparent temperature and study on forecast method in Yinchuan; 银川市体感温度分析和预报方法的研究2. Objective analysis of apparent temperature 体感温度客观分析方法研究3. In order to find the seasonal regularities of upper respiratory tract infection for young children in ...
体感温度模型1. The apparent temperature model is built based on the thermal equilibrium equation,combining with the character of metabolism in different aged people. 通过对夏季人体热量平衡方程的建立与计算 ,结合我国不同年龄段人群的新陈代谢特点 ,分别建立了不同的体感温度模型。