中国传统节日介绍英文版 ppt课件张俊豪 The spring festival Chinese festivals Mid-autumn Day Spring Festival(春节) The Lantern Festival(元宵节) Tomb- sweeping Day(清明节) The dragon boat festival(端午节) Double Seventh Festival (七夕节) Mid-Autumn Day(中秋节) The Double Ninth Festival(重阳节) ...
中国传统节日-英文.ppt,Chinese traditional festivals The Spring Festival The Spring Festival is on the first day of the lunar year Spring roll is one of the most popular food we eat during the Spring Festival. The Lantern Festival Tomb-sweeping Day Zong Z
今天波妞带来一套全英文PPT,介绍中国传统文化、节日、历史等,共16个PPT,包含新年、端午、十二生肖、秦始皇、长城、丝绸之路等文化习俗。 中国传统节日,是中华民族悠久历史文化的重要组成部分,形式多样、内容丰富。传统节日的形成,是一个民族或国家的历史文化长期积淀凝聚的过程。 中华民族的祖先在漫长的历史时期里,积累...
中国传统节日英文PPT课件Chinese festivals culture 2021/3/25 授课:XXX 1 the custom in the festival After the folk worship, generally half of the offerings for the Weaver and the rest that we can eat, most of food are seasonal food, such as dumplings, noodles and fruit oils. We called them...
中国传统节日英文 ppt课件 热度: ChineseTraditionalFestival 24年12月18日 Qingming Festival QingmingFestival,also knownasPure BrightnessFestival,isa traditionalChinese Festival,andisoneof the24segmentsofthe Chinesecalendar. Brief instruction Itnormallyfallsinearly ...
ChinesetraditionalfestivalsChinesetraditionalfestivals中国传统节日 一、SpringFestivalItisthemostsolemnoftraditionalChinesefolkfestival,generallyreferstoNewYearsEveandthefirstday,alsoknownasthelunaryear,commonlyknownasNewYear eatdumplings tostayuplateallnighton NewYear‘sEve守岁 tosetofffirecrackers Luckymoney What...
中国传统节日英文介绍!2021/5/24 1 2021/5/24 SpringFestival LunarNewYear,themostsolemnoftraditionalChinesefolkfestivals.FirstdayofthefirstlunarmonthinthetraditionalChineselunarcalendar,knownastheMoon,commonlyknownas"NewYear"and"NewYear."ThelonghistoryoftheSpringFestival,whichoriginatedintheShangperiodtheyeardraw...
中国传统节日英文介绍.ppt,chinese traditional festivals Chinese traditional festivals which belong to a tradtional customary culture rooted in the farming culture in ancient China. All the festivals contain their unique cultural connotations, reflect the
英文中国传统节日PPTTraditional Chinese Festivals in English 目录 • Overview of Traditional Chinese Festivals • Classification of Traditional Chinese Festivals • The Cultural Annotation of Traditional Chinese Festivals 目录 • The International Influence and Dissemination of Chinese Traditional Festivals ...
中国各传统节日英文.ppt,2023/11/1 A Simulated Course for Tour Guides * Difficult Words and Expressions (1) Text in here acrobatic performance 杂技表演 agricultural off-season 农闲季节 an assortment of 各种各样的 antiquity n. 古代;古人;古代的风俗 ardent ad