从短期测量数据来生成疲劳载荷的一 种实用算法的开发[J]. 船舶力学,2011( 3) : 286-300. Li Shanshan,Huang Zhibo,Cui Weicheng. On implementing a practical algorithm to generate fatigue loading history or spectrum from short time measurement[J]. Journal of Ship Mechanics,2011 ( 3) : 286-300.从...
从短期测量数据来生成疲劳载荷的一 种实用算法的开发[J]. 船舶力学,2011( 3) : 286-300. Li Shanshan,Huang Zhibo,Cui Weicheng. On implementing a practical algorithm to generate fatigue loading history or spectrum from short time measurement[J]. Journal of Ship Mechanics,2011 ( 3) : 286-300.从...