英文回答: Is it always so convenient? Convenience is subjective and can vary from person to person. In some situations, things may indeed be very convenient, while in others, it may not be the case. Let me explain further. For example, when it comes to technology and modern advancements,...
英文原文是regrettable, 遗憾。 不是极其失望( deeply disappointed) ,糊弄谁呢??? @央视新闻 【#NBA称对莫雷感到极其失望#】NBA首席传播官迈克尔·巴斯今日发布声明:我们对休斯敦火箭队总经理达瑞尔·莫雷发表的不当言论感到极其失望,他无疑已经严重地伤害了中国球迷的感情。莫雷现已澄清他的言论不代表火箭队和NBA...