@英语小达人介词which等于关系副词 英语小达人 在英语中,介词which等于关系副词,因为它们在某些情况下可以互换使用。以下是详细说明: 关系副词:如where(地点)、when(时间)和why(原因),用于引导定语从句,描述先行词的时间、地点或原因。 介词+which:这种结构也可以用来描述先行词的时间、地点等特征,有时可以替代关系...
1. 省略:在某些情况下,可以使用that来代替介词加which,尤其是当先行词为way、time、reason等时。例如,“the way in which...”可以简写为“the way that...”。 2. for which:表示目的、原因或需求,引导定语从句。例如,“I received a prize for which I had worked hard.”这里的“for which”表示我为...
就是你不把介词和which 连在一起用的时候就不等.例如, Can you show me the house which Shakespeare lived in ? 这里的介词in 没有提前与which 一起. 用关系副词时, Can you show me the house where (in which) Shakespeare lived ? 对比一下就清楚了. 分析总结。 定语从句中介词加which等于个关系副词...
1、表示地点,时间和原因的“介词+which”分别相当于where,when,why。The earth on which/where we live is a planet.I'll never forget the day on which/when I joined the League.2、way后常用that代替in which,也可省略that。That was the way in which the old lady looked after ...
简单来说,这是因为 where/when/why 是副词,在从句中充当状语。同时,which 是代词,是一个名词性的...
要说定语从句的难点:介词+which 绝对是重灾区可千万比在死板记忆 in which/ at which/ on which / for which ... 等于 when where why 毫无意义,也没有看到本质我们需要的是触碰着知识点的本质来介词的存在...
严格地说 介词加which 并不完全等于关系副词 介词加which 比 关系副词 表达的意思 具体 如 this is the desk on which i put my books.this is the desk in which i put my books.上面两句 都可以 用where 代替 on which 或in which. 但表达 就不具体。一般来说 介词加which 引导定语从句...
(即等于This is the book which he is looking for,这主要是因为look for 这一短语)关系副词与“介词+which”的区别 引导定语从句时where与in which有时可互换,有时不能互换,注意以下几点:一、关系副词与“介词+which”互换的情形 当“介词+ which”在定语从句中作时间、地点和原因状语时,可以...
不是.要看所引导的从句形容的是什么状语,也可能是时间状语或目的状语,那就会等于when或why 查看完整答案 为你推荐 查看更多 介词+which和where的区别 选B我们上个月参观的村子,村子是地点所以用wherewhere 在这里可以用 of which 来替代,the village of which 29795 where 和介词+which 的区别~ 有很大区别,在...