《故宫英文介绍》课件PowerPoint presentation of the English Introductio contents 目录 • introduction • The architectural characteristics of the Forbidden City • The Cultural Value of the Forbidden City • The Future Development of the Forbidden City introduction 01 The Historical Background of ...
故宫英文介绍 The Forbidden City, also known as the Palace Museum, is a UNESCO World Heritage site located in the heart of Beijing, China. It was the imperial palace of the Ming and Qing dynasties for over 500 years, serving as the political and ceremonial center ofChinese government. The ...
The palace museum
故宫英文介绍.ppt,* The Forbidden City Introduction This is the palace museum; also know as the Purple Forbidden City. It is the largest and most well reserved imperial residence in China today. Under Ming Emperor Yongle, construction began in 1406. It to
故宫-建筑英文介绍.ppt,The palace The Forbidden City 电子商务 41216102 张星星 contents Introduction ensemble some famous halls Introduction Among the five greatest palaces in the world, the Forbidden City ranks first. Lying at the center of Beijing, the F
中国故宫紫禁城英文版详细介绍 景山 TheGateofDevineMightImperialGarden KunningGongDeliveryThaiTemple PalaceofHeavenlyPurity TheHallofPreservingHa保rm和ony殿TheHallofCentralHarmo中ny和殿 太和殿 TheHallofSupremeHarmony JingshanHill GateofSupremeHarmonyJinshuiRiver TheMeridianGa中t国e故宫紫禁城英文版详细介绍 West ...
故宫的英文介绍ppt课件 制作人:高文涛 魏益虎 精选 1 ThePurpleForbiddenCityisthelargestandmostwellreservedimperialresidenceinChinatoday.Itwasbuiltbeginin1406andittook14yearstobuiltit.ThefirstrulerwhoactuallylivedherewasMingEmperorZhudi.Northtosouthis961meters,and753metersfromeasttowest.Andtheareaofabout725,...
1、中国故宫(紫禁城)英文版详细介绍中国故宫(紫禁城)英文版详细介绍The common English name, the Forbidden City, is a translation of the Chinese nameZi jin Cheng. The name Zi jin Cheng is a name with significance on many levels.The common English name, the The Forbidden City is located on the...
6、fthe Forbidden City-shenwumen,在平面图上指出紫禁城的四座城门和四个角楼,太和殿,故宫中和殿,保和殿,The Forbidden City,The Forbidden City, covering an area of 720,000 square meters, consists of the Outer Court and the Inner Court.,The structures of the Forbidden City.,Some famous palaces.,...