英文同义表达:(1)Introduction to Guangzhou Tower 说明/解释:这是“广州塔介绍”的直接和字面翻译,保留了原名的所有元素,易于理解和识别。 (2)Overview of Canton Tower 说明/解释:“Overview”一词强调了介绍的全面性和概括性,适合用于提供广州塔各方面信息的场景。 (3)Profile of Guangzhou Tower 说明/解释:“P...
用英语描写广州塔六句: 1.Guangzhou Tower, towering into the clouds, like a huge finger, stands on the bank of the the Pearl River, eye-catching. 2.The lights of Guangzhou Tower are dazzling, like the brightest stars in the night sky, illuminating the entire city. 3.The design of ...
广州塔塔身主体450米塔顶观光平台最高处454米天线桅杆150米总高度600米取代加拿大的cn电视塔成为当时世界第三高电视塔现仅次世界第一高自立式电视塔日本东京天空树塔的自立式电视塔高度634米20年7月14日动工20年2月29日竣工为世界第二高自立式电视塔也成为广州的新地标 广州塔导游词英语作文(通用18篇) 广州塔英语...
广州塔,英文名为Canton Tower,也被称为Guangzhou TV Astronomical and Sightseeing Tower或简称Guangzhou Tower,是中国最高的建筑,也是世界第二高的塔,高达600米。以下是对广州塔的详细英文介绍: 基本概况 广州塔以其独特的设计著称,拥有纤细的腰线和膨胀的顶部,夜间由LED灯照亮,形成迷人...
广州塔英文介绍是什么 曾老师 12-22 10:01Canton Tower, also known as Guangzhou TV & Sightseeing Tower, is a tower near Chigang Pagoda, Haizhu District, Guangzhou, Guangdong. It is one of the world’s most spectacular new buildings. It was topped - out in 2009 and became operational in ...
介绍广州塔英文作文简单 【中英文版】 Introduction to the Canton Tower As one of the most iconic landmarks in Guangzhou, the Canton Tower stands tall and proud, showcasing the city"s modern charm.With its unique structure and breathtaking views, it has become a must-visit destination for both...
CantonTower--广州塔英文介绍450米是云端游乐区上面有跳楼机它是获得世界上最高的惊险之旅的吉尼斯称号有两种模式一种是坐立式一种是站立式非常惊险还有摩天轮它也是世界上最高的横向摩天轮完全透明的球舱围绕广州塔360度旋转还有一个世界上最高的户外摄影观景平台488米摄影观景平台非常适合摄影爱好者 CantonTower--广州...
CantonTower广州塔英文介绍.docx,Canton Tower: A Marvel of Modern Architecture Canton Tower, also known as the Guangzhou Tower, stands tall as a symbol of modern architecture and a testament to Chinas rapid development. Located in the heart of Guangzhou, t