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第一部分 九年级(上)Unit 4 Topic 2-【一战成名新中考】2025河南中考英语(课标版)·一轮复习·词汇分层练优质课件PPT(练册) Unit4Topic2SectionD课件2024 Unit 4 Topic 2 Section D 课件 Unit 4 Topic 2 Section C 课件 Unit 4 Topic 2 Section B 课件 Unit 4 Topic 2 Section A 课件 Unit4...
anactor?apolicewoman?Doyouwanttobeafilmstar?2Lead-inLead-in3仁爱版九年级英语上册课件:Unit-4-Topic-2--Section-C4 LearningAims1.KnowmoreaboutMarsandmotivatethestudents’interestinexploringthespace.2.Weshouldlearnkeywordsandsentences: diameter,storm,benamedaftersb.,goaround,atadistanceof…倍数+as…as…...
Unit4AmazingScience Topic2I’mexcitedaboutthethingsthatwillbediscovered inthefuture.SectionB Teacher:Mrzhou What’sthisinEnglish?It’saUFO HaveyouseentheUFO?CanyoutellmeiftheUFOwillbefoundbyusinthefuture?Ithink TheUFOwillbefoundbyus.Question:1.这句话用什么语态?2.用什么时态的语态?Question:3.一般...
Unit 4 Amazing Science Topic 2 Section D 1.Knowledge aims: Teaching aims Words andphrases: Words and phrases:realize,dancer,admire,master,take part in, grow up, Sentences: What are you going to be? I'd like to be an astronaut when I grow up. But I prefer science to...
仁爱 九年级 英语 上册 课件 Unit Topic Section 资源描述: 1、Unit 4 Amazing ScienceTopic 2 Im excited about the things that will be discovered in the future.Section C Do you want to be a film star?an astronaut?a boss?a policeman?Answer my questions loudly!an actor?a policewoman?Lead-in...
1、Unit 4 Amazing ScienceTopic 2 Im excited about the things that will be discovered in the future.Section A 课件 1 Can you imagine what our life will be like in space?If we want to live in space, we need a spacesuit.Maybe one day we will live in space instead of earth.直达火星15...
Unit 4 Amazing ScienceTopic 2 Im excited about the things that will be discovered in the future. Section D 一般将来时态的被动语态 will + be + done Passive Voice (III) A wonderful movie will be shown tonight. Im excited about the things that will be discovered in the future. Grammar( )...
Unit4AmazingScienceTopic2I’mexcitedaboutthethingsthat willbediscoveredinthefuture.SectionA一般现在时态被动语态 SpaceshipVwassentintospacein2003.was/were+done一般过去时态被动语态 Morespaceshipswillbesentintospaceinthefuture.willbe+done一般将来时态被动语态 Keywords w...