人称代词、物主代词和反身代词I—me—my—mine—myself you —you—your—yourself (yourselves)he—him—his—his—himself she—her—her—hers—herselfit—it—its—its—itself we—us—our—ours—ourselvesthey—them—their—theirs—themselves人称顺序you, he, she, I ; we, you, they主格作主语;...
人称代词 物主代词 人称 主格 宾格 反身代词 形容词性物主代词 名词性物主代词 单数 I I me 第一人称 my mine myself 复数 we us our ours ourselves 单数 you 第二人称 you your yours yourself 复数 you you your yours yourselves 单数 he him his his himself 单数 she her 第三人称 her hers hers...
反身代词的形式是:myself , yourself , himself , herself , itself , ourselves , yourselves ,themselves .也就是说,第一、二人称的反身代词由物主代词加-self或selves构成。第三人称的反身代词由人称代词宾格加-self或selves构成。反身代词通常是用来加强语气的,在人称和数上都要保持一致,在句子中可以做...
作表语:与系动词连用,表示主语的状态或身份。例如: They enjoyed themselves on the beach yesterday. (反身代词作宾语) You should take care of yourself. (反身代词作同位语) I'm not feeling myself today. (反身代词作表语)通过这些用法,你可以更好地理解和运用英语中的人称代词、物主代词和反身代词,提...
物主代词和反身代词用法总结 在英语学习当中,有一种很重要的词类—代词。我们常用的三种代词分别是人称代词,物主代词和反身代词。接下来,我们就一起来看一看这些代词的用法:一、了解它们 人称代词:对人或事物名称的代称 物主代词:对物体主人的代称 反身代词:反过来替代主语的代词 二、用法举例 ...
人称代词 物主代词 类别 反身代词 主格 宾格 形容词性 名词性 第一 单数 I me my mine myself 人称 复数 we us our ours ourselves 第二 单数 you you your yours yourself 人称 复数 you you your yours yourselves he him his his himself 第三 单数 she her her hers herself 人称 it it its its...
类别 人称代词 物主代词 反身代词 主格 宾格 形容词性 名词性 人称 I me my mine myself 单数 第一人称 复数 our ours ourselves we us 单数 you you your yours yourself 第二人称 复数 you you your yours yourselves he him his his himself her her hers herself 单数 she 第三人称 it it its its...
物主代词 形容词性 my our your your her his its their 名词性 mine ours yours yours hers his its theirs 反身代词 myself our- selves your- self your- selves herself;himself; itself them- selves 一.人称代词指代人或物;在句中作主语或宾语;所以有主格和宾格.. 宾格代词用于替代处于宾语位置上的...
除了人称代词之外,物主代词和反身代词也是与人称有关的代词。一、人称代词 1. 人称代词主格用来作句子的主语。如:Ioften go shopping on Sundays. 我经常在星期天去购物。 Do you know where they come from Brazil?你知道他们从哪里来吗?We spent our holiday in Italy last Summer.去年夏天我们在意大利...
名词性物主代词,是名词词性,相当于形容词性物主代词加名词。 例: This is my cellphone. It is mine. 解析:这是我的手机,这手机是我的。Mine就相当于my cellphone 二.反身代词 1.反身代词:表示强调和反身的代词,由第一,第二人称的形容词性物主代词,或第三人称的宾格词尾加self或selves组成。相当于汉语...