Unit 1 Life is a learning curve Listening to the world 1-2 Sharing Practice 1 Practice 21) new things 2) At the moment 3) quite difficult Practice 3ABA BBA A Practice 41. (1)I … 战之空 U校园新视野大学英语视听说教程2第三版答案Unit1~Unit8 OKAY打开...
大学四年的答案 需要其它答案的同学,直接发私信,评论不回哦关注新世界交互英语第二版视听说第2册答案发布于 2022-04-07 18:57 · 2.9 万次播放 赞同42 条评论 分享收藏喜欢 举报 英语学习英语大学大学专业大学生
新时代交互英语2答案(清晰版)yesyesnononoyes注意此章节答案仅为原作者做的答案请注意题目是否相配suit 新时代交互英语2答案 unit 1 23 132213 312 32211 drink ice lemon start think going have salad side back BAEDC 1324 221312 11211 12231 unit 2 23 13133312 113 1131 vacation fantastic island beach ...
新时代交互英语2答案 Unit3 3/12 1. frankie' homework 2. at home 5/12 1. Can you show* me how to use this math* program*? 2. You have to hit "return" after* each number. 3. Next*, you need* to highlight* the numbers . . . and now you have to click-on "add. " 4...
大学新时代交互英语2答案截图完整版 Unit 1 Unite2 Unite3 Unite4 Unite5 2/4的答案为 was,were,did,have,spent,much 3/3 1.help=home 2.homework=who Unite6 Unite7 Grammar1\3 should take Pardom am packing 4/7 Does he want a SMALL...--Yes 1423 Holly STREET--No How many choices does.....
spicy eaten steak chicken b-a-d-e-c a-b-c-c-c b-b-c-c-a a-b-a-b-a b-b-b-b-c-a UNIT 13 cb bcbcbc bac aacca degree job family business commute salary money maybe maybe important adbec bcbac acbaa abbab ccbaca 阶段测试 新时代交互英语 level2 答案(test A) Sam Says,....
新世界交互英语第二版视听说2答案 Unit1 Unit2
精选文档Unit 1Unite2Unite3Unite4 Unite5 24的答案为was,were,did,have,spent,much 331.helphome2.homeworkwhoUnite6 Unite7 Grammar13s
内容提示: 新时代交互英语视听说 2 级答案 Unit3 11/12 More listening 1.Fever,headache,sore throat 2.For 2 or 3 days 3.Her throat hurts a lot test listening 1A/5 1.She has a terrible cold 2.lie down and have a rest 3.can hardly breathe 4.Stomachache 1B/5 feeling cold nose throat...
交互英语视听说2答案全 下载积分:150 内容提示: 视听说 2 级答案 unit3~unit12 Unit3 3/12 1.frankie' homework 2.at home 5/12 1.Can you show* me how to use this math* program*? 2.You have to hit "return" after* each number. 3.Next*, you need* to highlight* the numbers . ...