xxx(店名)售后客户服务 3.因海关安检力度加强导致物流延误 Dear {$BuyerName}, We’re sorry to inform of you that your item may be delayed for the stricter customsinspection. We just got the notice that all packets from all countries to {目的地} would be subject to stricter screening by thec...
请确保正确商品被发送至{$ShopName},我们是亚马逊上的{$ShopName}卖家。如果收到不同卖家的商品,我们需要将其退回给您并要求您承担运费。感谢您的合作。12. 查询物流跟踪号或发货状态 亲爱的{$BuyerName},感谢您的询问。您的订单{$OrderId}已在{}发出,包裹正向您的地址运送。追踪号为***,您...
谨致问候,xxx(店名)售后客户服务 8.买家投诉或来信告知卖家发错颜色、商品或商品有缺陷等 Dear {$BuyerName},We are so sorry about that. This is your order:{商品名称} &{$OrderId}.Could you please send us the pictures of the label on the package and item's problem? And we will solve it ...
xxx(店名)售后客户服务 3.因海关安检力度加强导致物流延误 Dear {$BuyerName}, We’re sorry to inform of you that your item may be delayed for the stricter customs inspection. We just got the notice that all packets from all countries to {目的地} would be subject to stricter screening by the...