五四青年节英语手抄报内容 youth day (青年节) in the people's republic of china is on may 4. it was established in december 1949 by the government administration council to commem o o rate the b b eginning o o f the may fourth mo v v ement in 11919. this day is kn o o wn ...
五四青年节英语手抄报内容 五四青年节英语手抄报内容 youth day (青年节) in the people's republic of china is on may 4. it was established in december 1949 by the government administration council to commem o orate the b beginning o of the may fourth mo v vement in 1 1919. this day is...
1 五四青年节英语手抄报内容youthday(青年节)inthe people’srepublicofchinaisonmay4.itwasestablishedin december1949bythegovernmentadministrationcouncilto commemoratethebeginningofthemayfourthmovementin 1919.thisdayisknownasmayfourthmovement,chinese intellectualrevolutionandsociopoliticalreformmovement (1917–21)。in191...