氮磷钾互作效应对甘草酸含量影响的初步研究 7. Characteristic of Magnesium Nutrition and Interactive Effects of Magnesium and Potassium in Rice; 水稻镁营养特性及镁钾营养互作效应研究 8. Interactive Effects of Nitrogen, Potassium and Water on Wheat and Maize Growth; ...
互作效应 1. Research Progress on the Effect of Copper and Vitamin A and Their Interaction on the Blood; 铜·维生素A及其互作效应对血液影响的研究进展 2. Interaction between Cryptococcus laurentii, Monilinia fructicola and Sweet Cherry Fruit at Different Temperatures; 罗伦隐球酵母、褐腐病菌与甜樱桃...
上位互作效应 2) exceed class 上位 3) host computer 上位机 1. Visual Basic based serial communication between PLC S7200 andhost computerand its application; 基于VB的S7-200 PLC与上位机的串行通讯及应用 2. The acquired communication betweenhost computerand OMRON PLC by VB 6.0; ...
食用稻米主要重金属元素含量的遗传及其与环境互作效应 8. QTL Mapping for Seedling Cd Tolerance in Rice (Oryza Sativa L.) and Analysis of QTL×Environment Interaction; 水稻苗期耐镉胁迫的QTL定位及其与环境互作效应分析 9. Genotype,Environment and Their Interactive Effects on Yield and Sugar of Sugarcane...
英文译名:the National Natural Science Foundation of China 官方网址:http://www.nsfc.gov.cn/ 项目类型:青年科学基金项目(面上项目) 学科类型:数理科学 期刊文献 相关文献 1. 水稻冠层叶面积和比叶重的基因型×环境互作效应分析 2. 非等试验设计水稻产量构成性状基因型×环境互作的遗传分析 3. 基因...
采用包括加性、显性、上位性及族群互作的遗传模型,研究了冠心病的复杂遗传体系。采用6种不同行为(步行,阅读、运输、运动、电视、吸烟)作为条件分析的协变量,探索了人类行为对冠心病的遗传影响。为实现个性化治疗的精准诊断,预测了人类不同行为对基因位点的特异遗传效应。总共检测到61个数量性状位点(quantitative trait ...
互作效应 1. Research Progress on the Effect of Copper and Vitamin A and Their Interaction on the Blood; 铜·维生素A及其互作效应对血液影响的研究进展 2. Interaction between Cryptococcus laurentii, Monilinia fructicola and Sweet Cherry Fruit at Different Temperatures; ...
负显性效应和加性互作是钾低效的主要原因。 7. Fine Mapping and Interaction Analysis of Two Genes Resistance to Sugar-cane Mosaic Virus Using Near Isogenic Lines in Maize; 利用近等基因系进行玉米矮花叶病抗病基因精细定位及互作效应分析 8. College Students Assessing Interactive Influences of Two Causes...