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Asymmetric interaction will facilitate the evolution of cooperation Wang RuiWu; He JunZhou; Wang YaQiang; Shi Lei; Li YaoTang Science China Life Sciences, 2010, 53(8): 1041-1046. 赞 评论 分享 Improving AOR method for consistent linear systems Li, Yao-tang; Li, Cui-xia; Wu, Shi-liang...
赞 评论 分享 Digitization of culture heritage based on tour into the picture Zhang, Yaping; Zhao, Yang; Shi, Jiaoying; Xu, Dan Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2006, 3942: 1312-1320. 赞 评论 分享 联系信息 邮件:dan**@vip.sina.com 科研之友 person 我 在App中打开...