009 x -(Vox Loops) 041 x -(FX Loops) 148 x Individual (.WAVs) (.One-Shots) Samples: 028 x -(Basses) 014 x -(Synths) 004 x -(Cymbals) 002 x -(Fills) 011 x -(Kicks) 007 x -(Snares) 009 x -(Shuffles) 002 x -(Shakers) 019 x -(FX) 025 x -(Percussion Hits) 027 ...
011 x (Alt Drum Loops) 013 x (Full Drum Loops) 013 x (Hi-Hat And Percussion Loops) 013 x (Kick And Snare Loops) 079 xMelodic (One-Shots) Samples: 020 x (Arp) 017 x (Bass) 029 x (Pad) 023 x (Synth) 082 xMelodic Loops: 019 x (Arp Loops) 011 x (Bass And 808 Loops) 0...
FCP_SMT_014_HS_Ac_Guitar_Add_03.vstsound FCP_SMT_015_HS_Fretless_Bass_01.vstsound FCP_SMT_016_HS_Choir_01.vstsound FCP_SMT_017_HS_Modern_Bass_Fing_01.vstsound FCP_SMT_018_HS_Modern_Bass_Fing_Add_01.vstsound FCP_SMT_019_HS_Modern_Bass_Pick_01.vstsound FCP_SMT_020_HS_Modern_...
014 Bow and Arrow Twang and Swish (Version 2) [Sound Ideas] 0:16 015 Dull String Pluck Twangs [Sound Ideas] 0:10 016 High String Plucks [Sound Ideas] 0:11 017 String Pluck Boings (Version 1) [Sound Ideas] 0:09 018 String Pluck Boings (Version 2) [Sound Ideas] 0:10 019 Violin ...
044 x Bass Loops 043 x Drum Loops 030 x Foley Loops 030 x FX Loops 042 x Synth Loops 037 x Atmospheres 062 x Bass One-Shots 091 x Drum One-Shots 082 x Foley One-Shots 128 x FX 113 x Synths 019 x NI Battery 4 Sampler Instruments ...
017 x FX Samples 019 x Instrument One-Shots 029 x (.MIDIs) Loops 005 x Sequencer Loops 010 x Synth And Music Loops 015 x Drum Loops 010 x Guitar Loops 261 x 24-Bit (.WAVs) & (.MIDIs) Loops/Hits Files In Total Key And Tempo-Labelled ...
009 x (Dry) Stems 017 x (Wet) Vocal Stems 017 x (Dry) Vocal Stems 019 x Individual (.MIDIs) Files 114 x Files In Total Key And Tempo-Labelled Complete Fully Mastered Mix 44.1kHz/24-Bit High Quality Compatible With All DAWs 100% Royalty-Free...