A follow-up study on the effect of antideresants onthyroid hormone depressive patients' peripheral blood,The Department of Neuropsychiatry, Affiliated Zhongda Hospital of Southeast University,Observational,Not Applicable
aChemical reactions occur at lightning speed. In a fraction of a millisecond, electrons jump from one atomic to the other. Classical chemistry has a hard timekeeping up; it is virtually impossible to experimentally map every little step in a chemical process. Aided by the methods now awarded wi...
[31, 32]. In one of these studies, a RCT that included 998 high-risk women [32], the administration of 40 g of human albumin immediately after the oocyte retrieval was compared with no treatment. After a sevenday follow-up no significant differen 然而,随后临床试验在它的用途(31, 32)未...
Getting the MOST out of Ovarian Cancer Follow-up using a nurse led telephone intervention,St John of God Subiaco Hospital,Interventional,Not Applicable
Extension study for the follow up of patients with age related macula degeneration who participated in the Fase IV-II clinical trial randomized, simulated and blinded controlled treatment to evaluate safety and efficacy of a drug administered (etamsilato
The efficacy and safety of topiramate and valproate in treatment of Chinese patients with partial and generalised epilepsy: a multi-center, long-term follow up randomised controlled trial,Chongqing Medical University,Interventional,Not Applicable