Mind out below! 奥菲莉娅 小心 Ophelia. Careful. 你又把那只老鼠揣兜里了吗 Is that mouse in your pocket again? 安静点 Be quiet! 雷欧提斯 我和你一起去 Laertes, I'm coming with you! 不要 Don't! 快回去 奥菲莉娅 Go back, Ophelia! 但是想想那些书 But think of all the books! -学生也一...
Excuse me, sir, is there a commode? 请问 先生 这里有洗手间吗? Justin! 贾斯丁! Quick, honey, take my picture. I got the pyramid in my hand. 快 亲爱的 给我拍张手举金字塔的照片 Justin, you get back here right now! 贾斯丁 你快给我回来! No, stop! 不 站住! -No, no! Stop him!
Haunted Heart - Christina Aguilera ♪ There's no bell when you call for me ♪ ♪ You'll be falling for miles ♪ 晚上八点 ♪ I'm bewitched by your misery ♪ ♪ But I love it when you smile ♪ ♪ Let me know what you want from me ♪ ♪ Whisper "love" in my ...
但是我身体太长 大脑接收的比较慢 My front end just had to catch up with my back end. 谁能解释一下这到底是怎么回事? Will somebody please explain what's going on? 没事了 骑警 这是546状况 It's all right, Space Ranger. It's a code 546. - 你是说他... - 没错 - You mean it's ...
邮差Il postino(1994)完整中英文台词剧本 No, theres no water, Dad. Its all gone, since this morning. I wanted to rinse my hands, too. All gone. Is it still warm? Ive got the sniffles this morning! It must have been the dampness on the boat. I only have to set foot on that boat...
电影《克莱默夫妇(1979)》Part1-中英文对照台词剧本 更多内容请百度搜索:可小果 比利 我爱你 I Iove you, Billy.我也爱你 妈咪 l love you too, Mommy.晚安 Night-night.好好睡 Sleep tight.别让臭虫咬了 Don't let the bedbugs bite.明天早上见 l'll see you in the morning light.我爱你 l ...
坎 你说你一生都在寻找真正的“人”,那些能带着激情来注视你的画作的人。但在你心中你不再相信那些人的存在……于是你失去了信念……于是你失去了希望……于是黑色吞噬了红色。 (顿) (坎就站在罗斯柯的面前) 坎 我的朋友,我想即便一个真正的人站在你面前,你也认不出他吧。
断背山 怀俄明州 信号城 见鬼 Shit. 你们这两个家伙要是想找工作 You pair of deuces looking for work, 那就最好赶紧给我滚进来 I suggest you get your scrawny asses in here pronto. 在断背山上 Up on Brokeback, 林务局已经在配给土地内指定了露营地点 the Forest Service has got designated campsites...
邮差The Postman(1997)完整中英文台词剧本 Subtitles by explosiveskull Berry, berry. Berry. Berry Good Films. Okay, you got your scanner on you? Yep. Good, cause I got chewed out by Miss Kelly yesterday. Hurry up, so we can get back on my route. Okay. All right. Oh, youre a cute ...
电影《拥有者(2020)》Part1-中英文对照台词剧本 更多内容请百度搜索:可小果 ♪ 可能都是笼中鸟 ♪ ♪ Likely all land in cages ♪ ♪ 薪水微薄 人生失意 ♪ ♪ Disproportionate wages and failed life stages ♪ ♪ 我怒火中烧 无比危险 ♪ ♪ Means I'm enraged and I'm ...