<中美建交公报>英语是:)~“Joint Communique on the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations between the People’s Republic of China and the United States of America.”这里面有介绍,就是标题了:)~~http://fanleo.blogchina.com/1412464.html 中美建交公报的发表,标志着中美关系正常化的基本...
中华人民共和国和美利坚合众国将于一九七九年三月一日互派大使并建立大使馆。 英文版 Joint Communiqué of the United States of America and the People's Republic of China January 1, 1979 (The communiqué was released on December 15, 1978, in Washington and Beijing.) 1.The United States of Americ...
英文版:“The United States of America and the People's Republic of China reaffirm the principlesagreed on by the two sides in the Shanghai Communique……” 解读: 与《上海公报》做了一个承接、延续。但为免歧义,也需说明,在《上海公报》里,中美双方明确说过双方同意的——无论是抽象原则还是具体内容...
建交公报hegemonystatesrepublicunited Joint Communique on the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations between the People’s Republic of China and the United States of America (《中美建交公报》1979.1.1) ThePeople'sRepublicofChinaandtheUnitedStatesofAmericahaveagreedtorecognizeeachotherandtoestablishdiplomaticrelat...
中美外交关系的建立,为两国间的交入和合作开辟了道路。30年来,中美关系虽然经历了不少曲折和起伏,但总体上是向前发展的。中美保持了领导人的互访和高级官员的磋商,两国在经贸、科技、文化、教育、军事等各个领域的交流与合作也不断取得进展。 ①结束了长期的对抗,开始了两国关系的新阶段。 ②提高了两国的战略地...
中美外交关系的建立,为两国间的交入和合作开辟了道路。30年来,中美关系虽然经历了不少曲折和起伏,但总体上是向前发展的。中美保持了领导人的互访和高级官员的磋商,两国在经贸、科技、文化、教育、军事等各个领域的交流与合作也不断取得进展。 ①结束了长期的对抗,开始了两国关系的新阶段。 ②提高了两国的战略地...
Joint Communique of the United States of America and the People's Republic of China --- January 1 , 1 979 (The communique was released on December 1 5, 1 978, in Washington and Beijing.) 1 .The United States of America and the People's Republic of China have agreed to recognize...