中秋玩花灯主要只是在家庭、儿童之间进行的,多集中在南方。 祭月offering sacrifice to the moon 中秋祭月仪式是一种古老的祭祀礼仪,表达人们祈求月神降福人间的一种美好心愿。 三 中秋月饼 Mid-Autumn Festivalis a traditionalChinese festival...
中秋节习俗英语介绍【1】 Different Celebrated Forms For thousands of years, the Chinese people have related the vicissitudes of life to changes of the moon as it waxes and wanes; joy and sorrow, parting and reunion. Because the full moon is round and symbolizes reunion, the Mid-Autumn Festival...
英文中,可以表达为 "eating mooncakes" 或 "enjoying mooncakes". 例句:“Families gather to enjoy various flavors of mooncakes during the Mid-Autumn Festival.”(在中秋节期间,家人聚集在一起享受各种风味的月饼。) 3. 放灯笼 (Lighting Lanterns) 放灯笼是中秋节的传统习俗之一。人们会在家里挂起各种形状和...
中秋之夜,有燃灯以助月色的风俗。如今湖广一带仍有用瓦片叠塔于塔上燃灯的节俗。江南一带则有制灯船的节俗。近代中秋燃灯之俗更盛。3、enjoy the moon. The custom of appreciating the moon comes from offering sacrifices to the moon. It is said that this night moon from the earth ...
中秋节 还有哪些习俗呢?赏月 admire the full moon /watch the full moon to celebrate the festival 碧空如洗,圆月如盘。人们在尽情赏月之际,会情不自禁地想念远游在外、客居异乡的亲人。中国人历来把家人团圆、亲友团聚,共享天伦之乐看得极其珍贵,历来有“花好月圆人团聚”之谓。点灯笼 light lanterns ...
1. Mooncakes: One of the most renowned foods of the Mid-Autumn Festival is the mooncake. This circular pastry is filled with various sweet or savory fillings such as lotus seed paste, red bean paste, walnuts, and more, and is often adorned with intricate designs or inscriptions....
中秋节是中国重要性仅次于春节的第二大传统节日,庆祝时间为每年的农历八月十五。 中秋节源自古人对月亮的祭祀与崇拜。西汉的文献中便有嫦娥奔月、吴刚伐桂的记载,而节日的形成源自宋代,明清时,中秋节已成为重要的节日。我的中秋VLOG 知识 校园学习 UP!新学期 传统文化 英语介绍中国 中秋节英语 英语介绍中国文化 ...
中秋节习俗介绍。 中秋节,又称团圆节,是汉族的传统节日,在农历八月十五日庆祝,一般在公历9月或10月。它是中国文化中最重要的节日之一,是家庭团聚和庆祝的好时机。 中秋节历史悠久,还有许多不同的传说和故事与之相关。一个流行的传说讲述了后羿的故事,他是一位传奇的射手,射落了十个太阳中的九个,灼烧了地球。